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Monday, 5 October 2015

Walls of Protection

Sometimes, families can crack or explode and the weapons we need to protect our homes...

This is an age where many, many homes, families and marriages are as fragile as eggshells, can crack under a tap, and can explode into a volcano.  While some homes are blessed with the grace of a happy peaceful life, others struggle, toss and turn and eventually end up in separation or divorce.

When I was a little girl, a missionary couple from overseas were great friends with my grandfather, who was the principal of Mission Boys School in Punjab in the 1940s.  Over the years, when this great couple went back to America, they kept in touch with our family and sent us exciting parcels with also good books to read!  They were wonderful people.  In my twenties, when I asked my mother about them, she told me they had divorced.  The missionary, a minister, had remarried a young woman, his secretary and divorced his wife.  I was shocked into silence and pained to hear that.  Over the years, I came to the conclusion that they were good missionaries who did a lot of good, doing missionaries, they helped a lot of causes, prayed and carried a life of faith and trust, but they were not prayer warriors.

Of course, millions of people who pray simple prayers are wonderfully answered by God, and they do not know the methodology of warrior prayers, but in certain situations, where the attacks are constant, and things are crumbling apart, God does help us and show us a different "technology" of prayer.  He may do it different for different people, so we cannot standardize it and make it a rule of the thumb, but we have to ask God certain methods of how to pray during those stormy situations.

Sometimes, when the attack is so intense against a person, it is directly by demons in a ravaging storm and other times, it can be by someone else directing black magic or witchcraft into their lives for an evil purpose.  We should not try to speculate on that too much, but recognize we are in a war.  Again, unless we are literally walking in the Presence of God daily, we are not immune to these directed evil attacks.

I myself have been in situations where I realized the attack was not natural, but supernatural.  Over the years, I finally learned a method God showed me, and I used this method of praying for my marriage and children and when I do, I find amazing supernatural calm and peace in the home and the storm departs, as if an evil presence leaves the home.  It is miraculous.  So here, I would like to share this:

The Covering:  Before the disobedience of Adam and Eve, they were covered in God's glory.  They had no need for an additional covering and they of course did not wear clothes!  From the time of their first sin of disobedience, they covered themselves with fig leaves.  It was their own covering for their shame as their glory covering had departed.  It was a false covering that did not protect them.   In Genesis 3:21, God covered them with the skin of animals.  This is supposed to be the first blood covering, which had the actual power to protect them.  Life is in the blood, so humans can only be atoned by blood, eventually the Blood of Jesus.  It is a spiritual law that is beyond us to understand in the battle between two kingdoms.  In Exodus 12:7 the Jews were asked to take the blood of the lambs and put it on the sides and top of the doorposts.  In Exodus 12:23:   When the LORD goes through the land to strike down the Egyptians, He will see the blood on the top and sides of the door frames and will pass over that doorway, and He will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses and strike you down."  There is a blood covering in the supernatural realm.  The Egyptians at that time were in war with Israel and as Israel was looking to God for help, this was the answer He gave them.  The last blood covering is Jesus' death on the Cross.  His Blood is on the Mercy Seat and delivers us from our sins.  The blood covering has the power to protect us from supernatural attacks because when the devil and the demons see that blood or we claim protection and a blood covering, they do not have the right to touch us because of what Jesus did on the Cross, they cannot accuse us of our sins because we are covered with the supernatural protection of His blood.  We do claim that we are positionally righteous, yet many times, do face situations beyond our control, and we have no power to make it right.  Satan had a right to access our lives when we do wrong, "accuser of the brethren" but once we claim the protection of Jesus' Blood, we see instantaneous change in our situations and the attacks start to diminish.  This testimony is shared by thousands of other believes, they have experienced the delivering power in situations when they claimed the protection of the Blood. We need to claim the blood covering every single day over our lives, our homes, families and any situations we feel need covering.

An overseas missionary once said, "Let's do away with the songs of the Blood of Jesus.  It sounds so gory and horrid!"  And the Christian school had to do away with those songs.  She did not realize that she was being unwittingly used in the devil's plan.  The devil wants us to dilute the power of the Blood because he knows how powerful it is.  Many Christians say the Blood only applies to the Cross, sinners and Mercy Seat, but is not applicable to daily lives.  This is exactly what the devil wants us to believe so we will never appropriate our weapons of warfare for the war that is raging against us.

Binding, Loosing and Casting Out:  This works time and time again.  It is very, very powerful and effective.  When we are born again in Christ, the Holy Spirit dwells in us, and in the authority of Christ, under His direction, we have the authority to bind, loosen, and cast out.  In Matthew 16:19, Jesus said, “And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shalt be loosed in heaven.”  In Mark 3:15:" and to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils."  This is a God-given authority.  If it was a false promise, it would not work for us in its application, but it is powerful, works and is true.  Those walking with Christ have done so, man, woman and even child, and have seen the wonders of its powers.  It is an important artillery for families, to pray over their homes, marriage and children, binding the demons that are causing the disturbances and casting them out.  Many marriages are delivered because of practice of this application.  On doing so, I myself have experienced something depart, as if something was departing from the storm that was trying to wreck the home.

Remember, when Satan attacks families, family members cannot function well and fulfill their purposes for this life because they are always living on the edge, thinking of how to save their own skins all the time, so they pretty much cannot think beyond that, which is very natural.  Children in such homes get messed up, because the home is so dysfunctional and end up either not doing much, or even later enter into crime because they never saw God's love displayed in their homes and their patterns of thinking get destroyed by stormy relationships.

I do believe that terrorists grew in dysfunctional homes where they never saw the power of God's love displayed.  To them, the way of love and forgiveness is weak and wishy washy and the way of destruction is more powerful and impressive.  So, everything starts in a bad family life, which can affect the nation if someone in the home turns to crime or terror, so we need to be armed and equipped to become warriors for our homes.

The Golden Cord Communion:  The most powerful experience breakthroughs I have had are through this. I may pray the blood covering, and bind and cast out, which are all very effective, but unless I do this, I do not have the greatest victories.  It is simply communion with Christ and the Holy Spirit.  2 Corinthians 13:14 "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  This is communion prayer, the Golden Cord, which I have shared at in the fiction story "The Church" "The Golden Cord is our communion line in your very own spirit and with Heaven, it connects you in your spirit life to Christ, when you commune with Him and obey Him.  It connects you constantly to Heaven to God's might throne all the time.  If our communion is cut, then the Golden Cord is severed and disconnected and then you stumble in the dark."

"It does not matter to what heights you have risen or what you have done.  One can be the most famous pastor in the world, have a big ministry for orphans or are an evangelist, but if is no connection in communion with God, in a daily conversation, where we talk to Him and He speaks back and we listen and obey, then Golden Cord is severed.  If we lose that communion with obedience, then the Golden Cord is cut."

In my personal experience, when I talk to Christ, and I hear Him deep in my spirit speaking back to me, more like a heart conversation, and I see great victories happen.  The Lord has impressed upon me that we need to commune with Him throughout our daily situations.  I Thessalonians "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing." We need to get rid of our fleshy thought life and hook up to God in a conversation.  As we commune more with the Holy Spirit and hear Him speaking back to us, His Presence lives among us, we carry the Shekinah glory of His presence and in His presence miracles happen.  We will start singing new songs, doing new things, God will start giving us new beginnings, adds new people in our lives, open new roads, we will start new ventures, and most wonderful, we will start to experience love, peace and joy, and because the Presence of the Holy Spirit dwells in the home, marriages are transformed and children are touched by His presence.  It is the most rewarding experience.  To start may be difficult because our natural minds are clouded with a thousand thoughts, but as we purposefully commune with God, and hear Him speak back to us in our spirits, it will become easier over the days.  We begin to form thought lines in our brains more in connection with God and when something is done ten times, it will be a habit, so habitually it will be easier over time.

Worship:  We will start praising God from our hearts more easily.  Psalm 149:6  "Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand;

Psalm 91:  He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty….Our walls of protection are built when we abide in His presence.

When we walk this way, our walls are always protected and we are saved from destruction, harm and evil.  May God help us to learn this way to build walls of protection for our homes and individually for ourselves.

 Rita Farhat Kurian

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You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


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