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Saturday 10 October 2015

To The Ends Of The Earth

This is an exciting account of different times in different parts of the world, how God poured down His Spirit and revived humans, like a powerful river that cannot be stopped and the lives that were miraculously transformed through His is such that even the worst criminal can be transformed through His touch!

We need a Repentance Revival
After we walk in the presence of God great changes happen.  It affects us and those around us and eventually a nation and nations.  Revival fires, go back to history of revivals. We need a repentance revival.  Today, we see miracle crusades and wonders and yes, God is glorified and lives are touched, but a community or a nation is not impacted, that is what we need today.

A student of theology scoffing and smugly said, "The word "Revival" does not occur in the Bible at all.  In light of that argument, one might shoot back, "The word "Trinity" is not in the Bible."  Just because a word does not exist in the Bible does not negate its reality.

This man, stuck with his stack of doctrine of papers flooding above his head never explored the Bible to see the greatest revivals happened when Peter preached and 3000 were struck to their hearts and turned to God, when Jonah went to Ninevah, the entire city of sin was soaked in repentance and turned their hearts to worship the God of the Heavens and Earth.

Revival comes from the waterfall of God's grace pouring down on a nation, taking its course through first a stream, then widens like a river, which runs through a nation, running its course, it cannot be stopped, no one can stop a river and like a river, it enriches the shores and riverbanks that it touch.  A true spiritual revival born on the winds of God's spirit will always impact eternal change.

Church committees can plan and stir up a soulish revival, hold massive conferences and seminars to stir up the people but because they are doing it in the energy of their flesh and not praying and drawing from the Holy Spirit, it is simply an emotional revival drawn by man's own power and fades away and people don’t remember or forget the Presence of God, because they were touched mainly in the emotional realm of the soul and the wind of the Holy Spirit was never in the revival.   The spirit man was never really awakened.

We need a revival where many will turn to God, seeing their own unholiness and like Isaiah cry out, "Unholy, unholy, I am undone I am and be overcome by the beauty and holiness of God!"

Fires That Blazed Brightly
When Wesley Duewel wrote Revival Fire, it was one of the purest, blazing heart-changing books I have ever read, depicting the time of the early Christians until the modern age in the 1900s where the supernatural outpouring of God in His Spirit manifests His Presence so overpoweringly that humans could not stand in His Presence.  They are overwhelmed, hit with bullets of piercing convictions of their personal sins, falling over to the ground, some crying, some in ecstasy, some seeing visions of angels and Christ and many other supernatural manifestations.  This is recorded in church history throughout the ages.

The early church, after Jesus left for Heaven, had the first mighty touch from God.  The early church had been gifted with a supernatural power to preach the Gospel where multitudes were gripped with an agony of their sinfulness and need for Christ, the Savior.  Miracles occurred all the time, fatally ill were healed, the dead rose, demon-possessed people were set free, and mentally disturbed got comfort and healing. Over the centuries, such supernatural phenomena have occurred.

On New Years Day, in 1739, John Wesley, Charles Wesley, and George Whitefield and many others met together, praying through the night and at 3 a.m., the power of God fell down on them, fell to the ground, overpowered by the Presence of God, crying tears of joy in Christ's Presence.  Over the weeks that followed, they started open-air preaching where thousands in England would gather to hear them.  Crowds of 20,000 would gather and weep with tears of conviction.  Initially, John Wesley was alarmed when people fell down under the power of God, but came to realize it was a sovereign work of God in which he must not interfere or try to stop.

Charles Finney greatly impacted America in the mid 1800s.  People got so convicted by sin that they could not sleep.  Weeping, sobbing, and crying for God where people became alive to God's Presence was commonplace.  In one event, a man blaspheming the revival fell down dead.  The revival kept spreading.  In Northern Ireland in the 1800s, great conviction of sin, and glorious conversions happened all the time.  Business came to a standstill as people gathered in cottages on the hillsides, singing, praising God and praying.  People did not sleep for nights, and drunk men were awed by the Holiness of God and gave up alcohol instantaneously.  Thousands upon thousands gathered together, praying and crumbled to the ground by God's Power.  Noone was making it happen, there was no leader.  The Holy Spirit was the Leader.

The cloud of God's presence hung over many parts of the United States in the 1800s, especially near the east coast near the sea.  It is said that during those days while sailors approaching land, they would feel a powerful holy presence around them, even though they knew nothing of the revival.  As the ship would be about to land, the captain would call for a minister and as the glory of God covered them, sailors would repent of sins and gloriously turn to the Savior, Christ.

In China, Africa, and many parts of the world, the Spirit of God was transforming communities.

In India, Pandita Ramabai, a Hindu-covert, a great Indian social reformer in the 1800s to 1900s, built a home for the widows.  She was a woman of great prayer, raising up a movement to pray for revival when she heard how revival was spreading like wildfire over the Western countries.  After much prayer, her girls got touched and awakened to the Glory of God, stuck under conviction of sins and experienced the joys of salvation.  One of the girls was set aflame, looking as if she was engulfed in flames, so another girl ran to throw a bucket of water on her, to find that she was inflamed in spiritual fire, not literal fire!

In the following, I am sharing the chronicled events of the Shillong Revival which occurred in 2006, reported even by the BBC.  The Shillong Revival can be found on YouTube.  This revival started as an onset of prayer for Revival by the Presbyeterian Church, a formal, dogmatic church with very stout and solid teachings with little room for the miraculous or out of the ordinary!

They state:
"This is a revival that occurs every 50 years, that started from Wales in 1906 and the Holy Spirit comes in power to revive us every 50 years ...1906, 1956 and in 2006 ...the video was taken in 2006.

October 19, 2007 (please do visit their website) reported that hundreds of people, mostly children were affected by the Revival, the unusual outpouring of the Holy Spirit mostly believed by the followers of the Presbyterian Church, during the three-day final Centenary celebration of Nongkrem Presbyterian Church at Nongkrem village on Sunday.
The children collapsed, lost consciousness during the unusual phenomenon and regained their senses after prayers were organized. Most of the affected children claimed to have experienced the world where there is love and angels worshipping Jesus Christ during the phenomenon…. “The spread of the Revival would definitely change the life of many individuals who are influenced by the materialistic world and realize that everything in this world is temporary except for the love and  blessing of God, which is everlasting,” Mr Ramtea said.

Amazing story of Iba from Nongrim Sadew village
As told by Barkos Warjiri
I first heard of Iba Warjri (8 yrs) in October 2006 when I was told of a little girl who had a vision. I met her along with my wife Pauline, on 26th December 2006 at her village, Nongrim Sadew, about 25 kilometres from Shillong and spoke to her and many others.
During the Youth Revival services in September, there was a tremendous outpouring of God’s Spirit . Young men and women and children fell like ninepins as they were overcome by the sheer presence of God. Iba saw a vision of the end times. When she woke up she recounted her vision of the Rapture, Jesus’s return, the Judgement and so on as if she had read the book of Daniel!

Last Great Revival
An elderly lady, Kong Wello, who was present at the church that night told us that when Iba woke up she said that this was the last great revival and asked to speak to the four church elders. She told them that Jesus was coming soon and that he would first take up the dead and then the living and then 666 would rule. Pauline asked Iba where she had heard such a thing before and Iba said she had known of no such thing. Iba being only in class 2 could hardly read well.
After the vision one of the women in the church called out “Jesus, Jesus”. Iba rushed out of the church building along with many others. When she looked at the moon, it looked like a cloud very near her. She saw an image of Jesus in the cloud and then it disappeared. The stars looked as if they were following the moon, which seemed to move very fast. She saw a crown and angels dressed in white and she saw God’s glory but could not see His face, nor could she describe His majesty. She also saw her parents wearing crowns.
She was so happy, she praised God and danced, in her own words, “like mad woman!”

In the prophesy of Iba, she said this is the last great revival.  We must understand Biblical timings.  This could mean in this century there would be the last outpouring of revivals.  As we note, it started in 1700s, then 1800s, yet over the last centuries, though we do have "miraculous crusades" and many conventions, there is yet lacking a great sense of the glory of God that actually transforms a whole community or nation, as it was during those revivals.

Recent Prophesies:
During the recent lunar moon, September 27th-28th, 2015, "blood moon" prophesied to be a very significant event in history, as evidenced in the past as well, we cannot conclude what it could mean specifically, but can speculate.  It could also mean the birth of the one who will rule the world, traditionally known as the anti-Christ!  We could never really know.  We do know the horrors that are overtaking the present day are flabbergasting and frightening.  The terror of wars, the rise in crime, murders and immorality, the natural disasters that are frequenting in earthquakes as never before, as well as global crashing of economies all spell doom for us.  In the words of a despondent Christian lady, on viewing the persecution of believers in different countries sadly and bravely uttered "May God help us to be brave when our turn comes to be killed, at this rate, it will definitely happen to us!"  Many others echo her feelings of doom and impending death.

We think prophesy has to be fulfilled, so we keep waiting and watching anxiously for disaster to strike.  We see no dawn of hope.  We are waiting to all be destroyed or die a gruesome death.  Because of a teaching "Whatever will be, will be", we do not seek the power of prayer.  God has instituted prayer for us to shape the destiny of nations.  He commands us to pray.  All the great saints in the Bible were prayer warriors and intercessors and they shaped history with their prayers.  It is a wrong teaching crept into the woodwork that keeps people saying, God is sovereign so He will do what He will do. This teaching will keep people from praying with a burden for anything, least of all for nations.  God is sovereign, but He has commanded us to pray at all times for all things and He places prayer burdens on us specifically as we ask Him.

We forgot how to pray, how to plead prayers for ourselves, for families, friends, for countries, and for nations.  Prophesy will happen in the very end, in the Last Battle between God's Kingdom and the Kingdom of Darkness, but in this intervening time we have left, much evil can be prevented as we fall down on our knees and intercede, we are still not at the very end.  God's clock is different from our clock.

Time for Battle
How easy it is to throw in the towel! Do not let us throw in the towel so easily.  This should be a time for battle in the heavens, before the Rapture of the church.  Some believe the Rapture is allegorical and not literal or the prophesies are allegorical, so there is no sense of urgency.  We should remember that the Bible is not allegorical but literal.

It should be a time when we gather our artillery and pray as never before so millions can be awakened to the Glory of God and come to Him.  Perhaps as never before, we should be praying for a world-wide awakening to His glory, as the waters cover the seas.  If entire nations could be touched in the past centuries, why can they not before the coming of the end?  Why not the whole Earth?

There were great intercessors in the past who pleaded before God, to hold back the judgment and instead pour down mercy, and God did it.

Exodus 32:11-14New International Version (NIV)
11 But Moses sought the favor of the Lord his God. “Lord,” he said, “why should your anger burn against your people, whom you brought out of Egypt with great power and a mighty hand? 12 Why should the Egyptians say, ‘It was with evil intent that He brought them out, to kill them in the mountains and to wipe them off the face of the earth’? Turn from your fierce anger; relent and do not bring disaster on your people. 13 Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac and Israel, to whom you swore by your own self: ‘I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and I will give your descendants all this land I promised them, and it will be their inheritance forever.’” 14 Then the Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster He had threatened.

This has occurred many times in history when God did not bring the disaster as planned due to the intercessory prayers of the people, or even a single person.  If our intent is pure and we really unite together in prayer, all over the world, God will hear those united cries and send a world revival to the ends of the earth.  This would happen so many would know God before the rise of the evil, that would come in the form of a one-world ruler, and the torment that the people left behind would face.  We could pray that millions before that would come to Christ, to experience His forgiveness, the joys of His Presence and to escape that torture that would be unbearable.

I know we theologize a lot.  We say that this will not happen, the fourth seal of death is broken and we are in the fourth seal times.  We are indeed in tormenting times. Yet, we have to remember that over the ages, horrific events happened, like the Spanish Inquisition where the victims must have felt those were the end times, the massacre of Christians helping the Jews during the 1940s, the killing of believers during the communist regime and many such historical horrors.

Today, we live in the age of Internet, social media, television and very strong video camera coverage, so the monstrosity of world events are more alive to us, wherein the past, we knew little because of lack of such coverage.  So it is very glib to say, we are in the end, prepare to die a martyr's death and not pick up our artillery and fight.  We have the most powerful weapons of all, we need to pick them up and use them!

Battle Prayer
Our battle prayers should be specific:
Covering:  We need to hide ourselves in Christ and cover ourselves with His covering, a blood covering.   We need to plead His Blood to protect us.  From the old testament, the blood always signified protection, as when they applied blood on the doorposts, the angel of death passed over and did not destroy those homes.  This is very crucial in spiritual battle.  With our Blood covering, Satan, the accuser of the brethren cannot attack us.  We need to clothe ourselves with the heavenly armor, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel, the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one and the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit.
Bind and Loosen:  We can pray for the tide of evil to be bound, held, and evil to be loosened out of its stronghold to be thrown out where Christ wills it to be thrown and cast down.  Strongholds in countries need to be bound and even thrown out.  Often for such strong prayers, we need to be praying along with others.
Release:  We can pray God to release and send out His warrior angels all over the Earth, to fight, to protect and to cast out the evil, to protect the poor, persecuted, women, children and each one.
To the Ends of the Earth:  We can pray that God the Holy Spirit will cover the Earth with His glory, to the ends of the Earth.  Only then, will such a spiritual awakening arise and shine over the Earth.  If the Presence of the Holy Spirit does not descend on a land like a cloud of His Presence, little much can happen.  We have seen in history, when people prayed, wonderful things happened.

We owe it to the Earth due to its decadence and fall with the tide of terror and trouble to pray for such a spiritual awakening.  We owe to Mankind to pray for another great spiritual revival as the waters cover the seas, before Christ comes to take away His church in clouds of glory to whisk away His believers to escape the sunset infested with ugly monsters who will inculcate the greatest atrocities of Mankind yet to occur.

So let us pray that this great last spiritual revival, awakening will spread to the ends of the Earth as the waters covers the seas before the very end.

By Rita Farhat Kurian

Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


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