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Wednesday 14 September 2016

Waiting - Devotional: Silver Rain. September 14, 2016

The waiting was long.  The hours, days and years slid by silently.  Nothing seemed to happen.  Dina prayed.  But the Heavens seemed still.  "They say pray and God will answer, but where is God?" thought Dinah almost bitterly.

Dina's was praying for a promotion in her job.  Then, she was praying for a husband.  Her friends were all married, yet the door of marriage slammed closed on Dina's life.  The "right man" did not seem to come along.  Dina's spent her days feeling lonely and alone.

Early one morning, Dina took a little walk on the beach as her home was close to the beach.  She walked along, looking at the blue sea waves rolling over the golden powdery sand and swishing back with a new force.  She thought suddenly, "The waves are surrendering to the shore and going back gently and peacefully to the sea, the power of surrender!  "I surrender all my desires to you Lord, whatever you will!"  With the words "surrender" echoing on her lips, something powerful transpired.  A warm Presence filled her soul.

Surrendering to nothing brings only wind and storm.  Surrendering to God, the very Creator of all is the greatest thing one can do.  It is powerful and transforming.

That day, Dina got a word from the Bible "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart!"  Psalm 37:4.

In surrender, Dina experienced new life.  She started doing new things, going to new places, and meeting new people.  She learned to enjoy sleeping to the comforting pattering of rain on her roof, she relished the aroma of scented flowers, the sound of music of rustling in the trees, and enjoyed people as never before.  She started really listening to them.  She forgave many, loved many, shared, helped, walked an extra mile for others…

In that waiting, she let go and let God and then her miracle happened…

She stopped waiting for life to happen to her.

Dina never stopped praying and communing with God, but she always said "Whatever You will Lord!" and in that, she learned to enjoy life.  The anxiety scales went down to zero.  She was at peace.

One fine day, she got a promotion in her job.  After a season, she met a young man who eventually asked her to marry him.  The wait was worth it because it was a blessed marriage.

Heaven did lift its veil at its appointed time.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.


Silver Rain is a devotional based on true incidents.  I called it Silver Rain because I had a vision of beautiful silver rain falling down.  I saw a musical later with beautiful gentle rain falling down.  Later, I opened the Bible and found the verse Ezekiel 34:26 I will make them and the places surrounding my hill a blessing. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing.  There is always blessing in showers of rain.  The Word of God refreshes and replenishes us spiritually.  May Silver Rain replenish and refresh you.  This is my prayer for you.
Some of the names of the individuals have been changed to protect their privacy.

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