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Sunday 3 January 2016

Healing of a Fragmented Soul

Many of us may have been in a situation where one moment, we are in the heart of prayer, studying the Bible or even in a beautiful enriching worship service, and well, after walking out of it and facing the cold shadows of the world, all that Heavenly glory fades off, the shine within grows dim and the glow in the soul grows cold.  We wonder why, why could we not stand out in a tearing hurry, worrying, sometimes rough world with the same glow in our hearts.

The reason for this is the spirit, the soul, and the body and no longer in synchronous and another reason is the soul is fragmented!

Centuries ago, God created Adam and placed him in the exotic mind-blowing Garden of Eden and here in the order of Adam's being, he was spirit, soul and body, made in the image of God, who is Spirit.  Adam's spirit ruled his soul and that in turn ruled his body, so the body was subordinate to the spirit enabling Adam to be powerful and impactful; he would call the animals and they would obey him, he did not have to holler or scream at them, they recognized him as king of the Garden!  Adam ruled over all, because he was a spirit man empowered by God.

Once Adam and Eve disobeyed God, the order of the spirit, soul and body changed.  Now, the body ruled, the soul next, and human spirit was suppressed somewhere in the corner.  When the body rules, it means the needs of body became more important than the needs of the spirit and the soul, and the soul is pampered with the lust the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life fanning the flames of sin even higher!

When we walk ruled by wants, needs, and desires, it is really the flesh demanding more and suppressing the human spirit and quenching the Holy Spirit.

In John 3:3 Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”  This refers to spiritual rebirth.  Unless the spirit is born again and alive, our flesh will always rule.  Even a believer, who believed in Christ in that moment of Salvation and received the gift of the Holy Spirit has the Holy Spirit indwelling within, yet can still chose to walk in the flesh everyday as it seems more convenient and easier.

On speaking about a fragmented soul, this is a wounded soul with many divisions of a soul which has many compartments of undealt issues of perhaps anger, rage, unforgiveness, adultery, and the list goes on, .  Psalm 86:11 speaks about uniting the heart.  Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name,"  We need to take Psalm 86, read it aloud and pray that prayer, especially the verse "unite my heart to fear thy name"  Reading the Word aloud can penetrate into the subconscious mind and start to do its healing work.  The spoken Word is powerful!

While this fragmented soul is a broken soul with unhealed wounds and unresolved matters in the soul causing great pain, these precious souls needs to pray for wholeness, "unite my heart" means "unite my soul."

There have been times when God does His surgery on a fragmented soul to unit it.  Those are special times when the Holy Spirit starts ministering deep within, working in the subconscious mind which is embedded with fragmented pieces of different events of life which may have hurt us. Often we need to cry to God for that healing within.   On praying for God to unite and heal the soul to make it whole, the soul can receive more healing from the human spirit through the Holy Spirit.  Soon, in time, when the soul is receiving life from the Holy Spirit, the person starts to grow from strength to strength, glory to glory.  Now, as the soul healed and united and not fragmented and the spirit rules over the body and soul, then the outside grim weather of life does not disturb them nor do the spirituals highs or lows hit them unsteadily, because they have secret internal springs of living water always overflowing from within constantly healing them within and making them whole!

© Rita Farhat Kurian

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