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Monday 4 January 2016

The Communion Key

Mrs. Mathai got up early one morning, made a morning cup of tea and tucked into her favorite devotionals and Bible and a time of prayer.  She felt refreshed, strengthened and ready to face a new day.  She was a teacher in a school, teaching standard VI students.  She went to school and got busy teaching, and interacting with other staff.  During one of the classes, a boy sat in the corner with a blank face and on going closer, she saw him carving out figurines in the wooden desk.  Mrs. Mathai felt her face go red and flushed and a rising anger and took the boy's book and tore it up and threw it across the room.  The class children were shocked into silence while the boy, to his own horror started to cry.  After the dust of her initial anger settled down, Mrs. Mathai felt horrified at herself.  She felt she could not apologize to the child or it would lower her own self esteem in front of the children.  She carried on the class as if nothing happened, uncomfortably aware that the boy was in tears and very miserable.  The day floated by in a haze and when Mrs. Mathai went home, she tried to understand why she had failed so badly in her behavior even after her incredibly amazing time in the morning. 

The truth is that when Mrs. Mathai stepped out of the door of her home, her thought life was crowded with a hundred thoughts cramming her mind such as the events of the day to come, the plans she had chalked out, as well as different memories flooded her mind so now her thought life belonged solely to her, there was no sharing or receiving from the Lord.  The Lord was locked out of her thought life and with that, her soul was more prone to attacks from the atmosphere and from people around her.  A believer is a greater target because Satan and his demons hate the fact that we belong to Christ, so if we are not in communion with Him and living under His Shadow, we are liable victims to their game of hunt down and debilitate.

While we have those beautiful times with the Lord, we need to carry that same Heavenly glory and this can only happen with communion with the Holy Spirit.  2 Corinthians 13:14 "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

God the Father is in Heaven and Christ, the Son also resides in Heaven, though both are present with us through the Holy Spirit.  John 14:16 "And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever;  The Holy Spirit in the Bible is called the Guide, Revealer of Truth, Intercessor, In-dweller of believers, Spirit of God, Spirit of Jesus Christ, Teacher, Comforter, Convicts of sin (not condemner) among many other names.  The Holy Spirit is referred to as a Person called as He, with who we are to develop a fellowship, communion, conversation with and listen back and obey Him as He is our Guide.  He always points to the Father and the Son, and in fact, we start to be in-filled with supernatural divine love for Christ more and more as we commune with the Holy Spirit.  He makes the spiritual realm of the Heavens come alive for us where we can understand the spiritual truths more easily and become alive in the spirit!

People say they cannot commune all the time, it is true while working and doing stuff, we cannot, but we can have time to take gulps of fresh air sometimes and take out moments in our day to commune and hear His voice back to us.  As we do this, we are abiding in Christ, living under His Shadow, are hidden and protected and win victories for our situations and are effective even as witnesses.

We are meant to commune, talk to the Holy Spirit, and fellowship with Him as a Person.  The Holy Spirit always leads us to the Father and Christ so we get mighty breakthroughs in our revelations of God and Christ.  Many times, when I commune and talk to the Holy Spirit, I fall in awe and worship God, I see Christ in His glory, and I start weeping tears that are not sadness but weeping quietly with a sense of a Presence beyond me in that weeping, and also a spirit of intercession comes on me to pray for people I never thought about and I start to pray for nations with an outpouring, overflowing, which in my natural self I would never do.

The walk in the Holy Spirit is the way that many Christians can overcome personal sins and demonic attacks on their lives, even violence in homes, abuse, and personal weaknesses.  The more we commune with the Holy Spirit, the stronger we will become in our spirit.  The Holy Spirit will fill and overflow us with His Life and Fire from the spirit to the soul (seat of emotions and mind) to live a powerful overcoming life.

Rita Farhat Kurian

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