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Saturday, 30 January 2016

Rested in the Wind - Poem

One morning I got up and aspired to be a great queen
But soon realized it was a dream; I was chasing the wind
Then I decided to travel the globe by sky and sea

But unlike Marco Polo, I could not navigate as he
I always worked hard to build great relations and friendships
But often I’d find myself hurt and the bitter cup I’d sip
Then I desired to build a lovely house to dwell in peace
But learned my money was on a lease!

Then reaching the end of the road, stripped of all self will
I heard a sweet Voice say “Peace! Be still!”
“From your labor you can now cease and rest
Leave it to Me, I will give you the very best!”
Now in stillness I rest in My Lord’s loving arms,
For in His bosom will never come harm
Be Still! He is God…He can calm the most violent storm
Now, around me encircles deep peace and calm

Be Still and know that I am God
 Psalm 46:10

Rita Farhat Kurian

Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


Tuesday, 26 January 2016

The Gleaning Fields of Learning - Testimony

Name Withheld

I would like to share some experiences in my life which have helped me to overcome certain situations and grow in my walk with the Lord over the years.

There was a time that I had a lot of struggle and difficulty with a person I had to closely interact with.  I felt anger rise in me towards her because her understanding about me and expectations about me were so wrong, and whenever I did something with lot of thought,  I always got a response of outright rejection, suspicion, ingratitude etc., and this attitude of hers used to break me.

In that deep human struggle of trying to overcome this pain and hurt, I concluded on a few truths that helped in this situation;  Don’t expect a right response from her any time as she is capable of only doing wrong. In thinking so, I brought my pain level down and I was free in that regard.

 I tried to reduce interactions with her, but it wasn’t possible, because she kept approaching me even more!  The more I tried to run away, the more she made her demands clear that, time spent with her is not enough.  I was in this  struggle of a very demanding "friendship" for at least six years and how I got it off my mind was by thinking,  God sees my heart and He will not condemn me as I’m not doing anything  wrong because she often tried to make me feel guilty.

 I thought I was getting over it all over the years, but of late, I did notice that if any one mentioned to me about her misdeeds, I would gladly add in a mouthful about her to them as I was still deeply hurt!  But I was in trouble again on thinking of this verse, "Love covers a multitude of sins."  On December 24th, I was too troubled and I thought I would not be able to celebrate Christmas, in the true spirit of Christmas..  I cried out to God and He led me to Romans 12:6 which says, we have different gifts according to the grace given to us, verse 8d says, "If it is in  showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully. 14; bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse. 16, live in harmony with one another Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. 17: do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.18: If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

These were breakthrough verses for me and the light of God dawned on my heart to deliver me! When the eternal God inhabits you, where is the limit to forgiveness? I agreed with God on this and He transformed me.

Today, though she continues to be the same,  I rejoice every time I deal with her now as God has lifted me above those “petty issues”.  It is indeed a powerful victory in my life that I rose above the slush and mud of that murky situation.

Today when I look back ten years ago, when this person was very mean to me, at some point I took it as a challenge to learn about the grace of God and how I can extend grace to someone undeserving , just the way I received it from God, but now when I look back, I know it was all my effort in the flesh.. Today, I have brand new perspective and strength given by the Lord, and now there’s no struggle no matter how I am treated. Praise God!

I have shared this in detail as I believe there are many of us who need to forgive our offenders and soar above our hurts to be 
experientially  seated with God in the heavenly places. Unforgiveness blocks each of our blessings.

Another short testimony I would like to share is a healing I received.  I was to undergo a knee surgery in October 2015, for CMP, chondromalacia patella as my knee cap was in the wrong position, causing too much pain and made me quite immobile.  On the day before the surgery, me and my husband called it off as we were confused as to whether to go ahead or not.. We brought a full time maid to attend to the home as we have three small children as well as my in-laws, so I definitely needed a lot of help!  A lot of people were also praying for my healing and I too would get up early morning, just spending a lot of time in prayer and meditation in the Word.

In the beginning of this year, I approached another doctor. He took a fresh x-ray and everything about my knee looked perfect. It was indeed a miracle!  Praise God!

While we were still wondering what to do with the maid as I was not going to undergo surgery, though she would still be there to help, God added a new dimension in my life.  He directed me to do a course in secular counselling and I will be joining it this month end for which I am very glad about and looking forward to and I can do this freely, knowing that I have house help.

I just want to encourage you that when you are brought to the dead end in life, don’t give up. Ask God for strength to leap over it and He will bless you far beyond what you can even imagine or even asked for!

Joel 2:25 "I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten-- the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm - my great army that I sent among you."

I feel that the Lord is restoring my life in a wonderful new way again, restoring back what the locusts have eaten in my earlier years!  Praise God!
Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


Monday, 25 January 2016

Happy Republic Day 2016

Today is Republic Day. For a country like India with a rich culture of intense diversities, a democratic constitution is a precious gift and wonderful answer to enable minds and hearts to express ourselves freely without chains and ropes to tie us down, but rather we are free to flourish in trade, businesses, religion, individuality with freedom to speak our hearts to the masses, freedom to write books and movies to express personal views, and freedom to make build, repair and restore and invent without being bogged down by the clogging clay of restriction, power and control. The freedom of expression gave India rise to a new level of creativity that brought this nation to an international level.

There are neighboring nations around India, which do not have a democratic freedom of expression. These countries are bound in militant forms of government never have risen up to fly on the winds of the freedom. They are suppressed and repressed and in their repression are frustrated. Some of these nations have fostered terrorists, who in a repressed society took to arms and guns to experience the "thrill" of freedom and took many with them along the way.

India has risen to the heights of freedom of speech, expression and religion due to democracy, which allows us to express our individuality, work as we wish, be self employed, flourish in businesses, practice our religion and speak out our views without fear.

In the past, we had practices of horrors such as sati, the burning a widow alive after her husband dies, child sacrifice, where in some places, children were sacrificed to gods and child marriage. All these were abolished by a democratic constitution because democracy believes in the right to life and adds value and worth to human beings.

The Creator Himself who made Mankind gives freedom of choice to Mankind. He never imposes His mind on humans to make us His puppets. This is the divine pattern for Mankind and if we move away from that divine pattern, we get entangled in a web. When we embrace a democratic form of government, we can rise on the wings of freedom to shine in our individuality and creativity and fulfill our dreams and ambitions. Let us never reject democracy

We thank God for India with its constitution of democracy and may her wings never be clipped or else, in a cage we will remain never to sing again. Let us rise on wings of an eagle in the wonderful freedom of expression and action.

Rita Farhat Kurian

Sunday, 24 January 2016

The Power of Brokenness - Poem

When wheat is broken and crushed
It makes delicious bread
Making us healthy and robust
Which could have never been so
If it was never crushed and broken

When flower petals are crushed
There is a fragrance
That touches the torn world
The aroma of flowers relaxing
Refreshing and invigorating

In brokenness, there is hope
To search for something more
In brokenness, there is a release
From the chains of the past
In brokenness you are nothing
To know in the Lord you are everything

Then only will He build you
On your broken ruins
He hammers down your house
To build a great palace

He tills and breaks your hardened soil
To plant seeds to make a lovely garden
So after the season of brokenness and pain
The flowers will burst forth and bloom
And you stand in victory's gain!

Rita Farhat Kurian

Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


Thursday, 21 January 2016

The Wonderful Amazing Power Of The Cross

The blood of Jesus washes away the deepest darkest dirtiest chambers of the soul when we simply have a change of heart and recognize His sacrificial death on the cross.  The Cross is no magic charm, but it does symbolize sin's atonement, the very symbol that puts enemies of the cross in fear.

There was a true incident of a Christian lady who was having marital problems and went to a Hindu pundit for help.  The help that was needed was actually stop her husband's extramarital affair that he was having at that time, and some pundits are good at breaking such alliances with their white magic. The old pundit looked at the golden cross that she wore around her neck on her golden chain and told her "take it off or my magic powers will not work!"  The lady suddenly realized the power of the cross in its symbolism to the unseen world.  Though white magic seems good in its cause, it still relies on the help of spirits that gain entrance into our lives to later on cause more damage.  The lady stood in awe of the cross around her neck.  Over time, she gave her life and heart to Christ and became a very committed believer.  Her husband later on became a strong believer of Christ and of course learned to love his wife and be faithful to her.  Their marriage changed dramatically for the better and now stood on a firm rock.

The past, present and future are atoned for by the Blood of Jesus when He died on the Cross.  There was once an argument among Christians about the song "Jesus' love for us held Him on the Cross" saying that at the moment, He was in such agony, He could not think beyond His pain and His mind was only on His Father who separated from Him due to the sin covering Him at that moment.  This is not true because the very words of Jesus "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" reflects supernatural love, the very love that has the power to forgive and wash away and transcend every sin.

In the 1970s, there was a case of a serial homicidal killer who used to rape and kill women.  He finally raped and killed a young lady, his last, before getting caught and put in prison.  While in prison, the young lady's Christian mother kept getting that inner voice from Jesus telling her to forgive him.  She could not, but after a long battle, finally came to say weakly to herself "I forgive him."

The next inner voice kept telling her, "Give him a Bible."

"Of course not Lord!" she snapped back trying to shut out the voice.
Finally, after a long struggle, she mailed a Bible to him.  After some months, she got a letter from the homicidal killer who was in prison.  He thanked her saying he read a bible for the first time in his life and it revolutionized his life and he was born again and he now had a new life and heart because of Jesus.  He truly was a transformed man, as the mother later found out.  She eventually went to meet him!  She too had a transformation in her soul in her forgiving act.  Something wonderful happened within her.

The man started sharing his faith with all around him and helping, sharing and caring.  (I cannot remember his name, but I have read this story from the Guideposts years ago in the 1980s), but I do remember that he was eventually released because of dramatic turn around and change of behavior!  All we can know is, this is the transforming and liberating power of the Cross.  Anything extraordinary can happen in a person's soul.

I Peter 2:24 "He himself bore our sins" in His body on the Cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; "by His wounds you have been healed."

Rita Farhat Kurian

Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Peace and Confidence - Poem

It is with peace and confidence
That one can turn round the corner
Of each new day
Knowing that the Lord has gone before us
Preparing the way with His own hand
Covering the path with His wings of protection

Rita Farhat Kurian

Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


Friday, 15 January 2016

The Tale of the Fruit Trees - Poem

Long ago, a green thick forest grew
Where fresh bright trees
Were covered with sparkling dew
Over the span of years, one fruit tree thrived
Some did perish, others barely survived
Listen to the tale of them
As it goes...

The Orange tree had oranges so rotten
In bitterness it said, "I have been forgotten !!!"
The Grape tree had clusters of grapes so sour
It constantly grumbled and was angry to the core

The Guava tree had its guavas so hard
Defensive and angry, was always on guard
The Melon tree selfishly lived for itself all alone
Soon all the melons were stinking and gone!

Quietly in the corner, an apple tree grew
It soaked up the morning glistening dew
In storm, in winter, summer and hard rain
It yielded, bent, never angry or hard, it stood to gain

How it lived each day produced the best fruit in time
It weathered the storms and, standing strong and sublime
It learned the secret of living
Yielding without fear
In the end of time
It gained the treasure
Of everlasting fruits
Because the Kingdom of Light
Were its very roots…

© Rita Farhat Kurian
Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


Relationships Touched By Heaven - Poem

When we pray for blessed
The Lord blesses all
 friendships and spouses
Touching relationships from Heaven
Taking all relationships to a higher level
The Lord is the Lord of friends

When the Lord does it, there is no end

He can transform a relationship

When it is weak and worn

Mighty changes happen then....

The friend or spouse then

Becomes a divine friend
As iron sharpens iron

Friendship sharpens with truth

Simply because that friend/spouse is now
touched by the Lord
And can see a greater vision for you
That friend or spouse will take you as you are 

God gives a best friend in a spouse
To bless, strengthen, filling the marriage with peace
In that peace ends all strife
The relationship so strong
It can’t be cut with an enemy's knife
This friend is a gift from the Lord
To enrich your life!

A friend loves at all times.

Proverbs 17:17

May we value our friends and marriages more and more and be a better friend and spouse!

Rita Farhat Kurian

Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


Wednesday, 13 January 2016

The Lord bless you and keep you - Poem

Sitting in a valley; silence screamed shrill
Darkness enclosed around, no joy, no thrill

In pain the soul groans to the Heavens above

Weeping to the Master to pour out His love

Slowly in time, the Black Clouds do part

Darkness seemed to vanish and depart
The heaviness of the soul did appear to lift

Jesus now showers mercy down like gentle rain

His compassion and mercy never fails us this hour

His power and love shines upon us like a morning star

When we seek not only His presents
Then His Presence gives us richer deeper life

Abundant blessings descend upon us like tender dew

Sparkling on our mountain top in a diamond hue

Now upon us His face does shine

Filling our cups with the Spirit's wine! 

 The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. 

Numbers 6:24-25

Rita Farhat Kurian

Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


Tuesday, 12 January 2016

The Pathway To Heaven

David Bowie slipped from life to eternity.  Some of us may wonder where he is… no one will really ever know, because no one knows what transpires in the heart at the end of life.  One thing we do know, in his life, he was always on a spiritual quest, he tried different pathways, then, he went through Nietzsche, Satanism, pretty much went through the long and winding road to find nothing much in the end, or so it seems.  In Heaven, though, we will get many surprises.  Perhaps in the very end, he found God Almighty..this is something between him and God.

Why was it so hard for him and many others, on a spiritual quest to find nothing really much, maybe some bits of comfort and here.  Yet, we come across testimonies of thousands of people who found salvation in a moment revelation.

Salvation is a Truth encounter of the soul/heart combined with the illumination of the Holy Spirit.  It is not an intellectual encounter.  A person needs comes to a place of purity of just wanting Truth, nothing more, nothing less.  This makes the Salvation encounter so easy and not a difficult maze.  This is why millions of hungry souls never find the way, because they use intellectualism, occultism, and much more in the bargain, and got lost and more muddled up in the maze.

That moment of our illumination is a simple belief in Jesus, who bore our sins so we can enter Heaven.  This will decide our destiny.  At the time of this illumination, a fire is put within us never to leave us, this is the Holy Spirit, dwelling within.

We may fall and fail, and grieve the Holy Spirit and sin, but Jesus Himself will ensure that the fire inside will rise up again and again and convict us and keep bringing us back to the fold.

Once a person is truly born again, they can never lose their Salvation.  Jude 1:24  "Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy."

When we meet with Truth , all the complications roll off and life because beautiful and rich with Truth.

We are now walking on the pathway to Heaven.  Finally, one day when we leave this Earth, the Lord will take us up beyond to a glorious eternity.  This pathway to Heaven never depended on us, but on Him, who is faithful to keep us from falling.  The pathway to Heaven is Grace and not Works.  We can never do enough good to reach Heaven.  Salvation is never works.  The grace within us given by Christ does wonders and miracles to live a pure holy life, so we should never be afraid we will not make it.. yes we will, in Christ!

Rita Farhat Kurian

Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


Sunday, 10 January 2016

Out of the Wells of Depression

When depression hits, it can take a person to the unbelievable lows, sometimes to even take one's own life.  When we know depression is drowning us in its hungry river, we need help and should seek it immediately, never ignore it.

Anyone can become depressed.  Often the most successful people in life suffer from depression!  Sometimes with counseling and medications, (due to low serotonin levels in the brain) people become better and sometimes, it can be a spiritual attack.

Like any other illness, when we are ill, we take medicines, depression is the same.  It often is caused by low serotonin levels in the brain which can be corrected by take medicines for a year or a few years, and then the serotonin levels in the brain normalize.  It is not a psychotic illness at all, and it really never means a depressed person is an abnormal person.  There are many wrong concepts about depression and people are afraid to admit they are depressed for fear of judgment that they are not good enough or they are abnormal!  Well, nothing could be further than the truth.  

I had a friend for many years who often even as a teenager was hit with waves of unbearable depression.  She would drown into sinking sands of depression in those seasons.  I met her many years ago and never found her speaking about her depression, so I finally asked her what happened about her depression spells.  She told me that a few years back she went for a large conference in the United States and met a known pastor, a family friend in the conference, and he had prayed over her with his hands on her head.  She suddenly saw something very black fly out of her and immediately felt a great release and lightness.  From that time on wards, she never got a depression attack again.  It was a spiritual oppression.

When I was a teenager and was hit by depression. I do believe that at that time, it was a spiritual attack because it literally flew away with no counseling or medications and I got delivered from it instantly overnight.  The Lord can heal us supernaturally or some of us need to go through the medication pathway, just like any other illness.

One more thing, if someone wants to commit suicide, they will only take the torment with them when they go to the next it is really not worth the effort.  I did try it when I was a teenager and when I was slipping from life to death and on the edge of that transition, I did see a gray kind of place with rats and burning red hot iron kind of cages.  It was a miserable place without God.  I can say today that this was a kind of hell, separation from God.  I did cry to Jesus to save my life and I would serve Him!  (which I did not fulfill until maybe many, many years later!)  He did get me out of the mess and I became alright within a few minutes and the depression left me and the next morning on wards, I had this amazing, wonderful, supernatural peace.  I share this because I want all to know that suicide takes the torment along with it to the other side, we cannot escape our problems with suicide.

- When depression drowns, get help, try to find something you really love to do, and do it, surround yourself with positive people, read inspiring books, listen to powerful preachers and teachers, but most important, run to the Lord.

-  Nature has a way of healing.  Get close to nature.  God, the Creator of nature breaths His breath and refreshing upon nature, which in turn brings healing and calm to our soul and centers our soul to be more connected to Him.

- Run to the Lord, call on Him – pray  - Jeremiah 33:3 "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not."  As we call on Jesus, He will start to deliver us and show us mighty amazing things, revealing great things to us, to help in our deliverance process.

- Bind and cast out the spirit of depression.   Matthew 16:19, "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."  When we take up our spiritual authority in Christ and rebuke depression, anger or anything within us in Jesus' name, Jesus will loosen its hold over us and cast it out.  This has worked time and time again, it is very powerful.  Depression many times is a spirit, and it can claim a legal right to our soul unless we challenge and reject its authority over us and it has to depart in Jesus' name.  We never think of rebuking it, so it happily remains within to torment our emotions and mind, which is the seat of our soul.

- Surround yourself with songs of worship and start worshipping the Lord yourself.  In the presence of worship, that spirit will leave, and also your spirit will start to rise in joy over time.  It may not happen immediately, but be consistent and you will be rewarded.

- Abide in Christ, in the Holy Spirit:  In the presence of the Lord, joy returns.  Psalm 16:11 "You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."  We experience wonderful joy in the Presence of the Lord, and the more we commune with the Lord and listen to Him, the greater our joy will be.

Indeed, we will experience a great deliverance from drowning in the wells of depression and actually rise to ecstasy and joy when we simply practice the above.  Psalm 32:7:  You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance."

Rita Farhat Kurian

Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


This is the day the Lord has made - Poem

 Today is a brand new day,
Yesterday has flown by forever
Today is a gift from my Lord
Each moment, so precious, I am assured
Today is a day, I can give my best
In God will I do all, and rest
This is the day we can rejoice
We have to make that daily choice
No two days are the same
We can’t look back with shame
Nor look thinking life is a game
Today we will make it
In Christ we rest, walk and sit
We live moment by moment leaning on Him
And in the light of His presence our problems go dim
Today is the day He has made
For us a blessed path He has paved

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24 

Rita Farhat Kurian

Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


Thursday, 7 January 2016

More Precious Than Gold - Poem

How precious are His thoughts towards you
Before time, the Lord had an amazing plan
A plan to fulfill that only you can!
And each single day He walks with you
Anointing your day like the morning dew

  Each step as you go forward with Him   this day
Turns brighter like the glow of a new dawn
Giving you hope like a golden ray
Your life is in His hands so you can rest
He loves you
You are more precious than gold...
He wants to give you the very best!

Rita Farhat Kurian

Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!
