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Wednesday 4 November 2015


The power of a seed is hidden within, either to do great damage or great good...

Tiny Little Seeds!

There are little seeds that fall in a garden, tiny seeds thrown on the ground, so insignificant that no one ever notices them.  Slowly, these seed push above the soil and start to sprout, grow, and sometimes even tower, ominously with power.  None realized that those tiny seeds would ever grow.  Those seeds, however, became trees or and creepers that tangled around everything and everyone and began to choke the life of out of people.  No one ever imagined that those little seeds had the potential to inflict so much harm and destruction in their season in Time, but it was too late, no one could do anything, the plant was twisted mercilessly around everything in its pathway leaving people struggling to live.  A wise old woman once said, "Never consider small things harmless, because it has the potential to grow, and we can't' even imagine the destruction it can do if it is evil."

A movie like Corpus Christi could only come into being because somewhere down the line, tiny seeds were growing in mellow sweet gardens, waiting for the right time to "hatch" and grow and folks were filled with loving tolerance without discernment.   Everyone kept saying everything is fine, good and okay.

These seeds are always garbed in good nature and sweet goodness.

These tiny seeds are thrown and grown around all places.  Tiny trees grow out of these seeds and their branches and roots entwine around the people and situations gleefully extracting out the joy of living.  None could remember who threw those seeds everywhere.

How do these seeds grow?  It can start with sweet messages from the pulpit where the self life is exalted, the Word is diluted and prayer is withered.  A message of convenience is preached, so peoples' fleshes are fanned and they never really seek a deeper relationship with Christ.

We have a new trend stalking where we all want fun, really never get to seek the face of God.  The word FUN runs strong, and Presence of God is lost somewhere in the backwoods.

Seeds of Syncretism:  Syncretism, defines as the “the reconciliation or fusion of differing systems of belief.” This is most evident in the areas of philosophy and religion, and usually results in a new teaching or belief system. This can never be bridged with biblical Christianity.

Seeds Scatted Over The Earth:  Over the last few decades, there is a movement, which promise of inner healing and spiritual insight.  People all over the world, even Christians and allowing those seeds of their philosophies to dwell in their souls, slowly after taking root.  In time, this will bear fruit, fruit that will bring their downfall.  Any union with a spirit other than the Creator of the universe with a goal of attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility while meditating on the concept of divinity is opening doors to the spirit world.  This spirit force can overtake one's life and ultimately lead them through another path, which in the end, would not lead to the one true living God.

Occultism is contact with the spirit world.  We are not to open our doors even to a tiny crack to contact any spirits and there are NO GOOD SPIRITS, only the Holy Spirit of God.  If we do so, definitely those spirits will have access over our lives, some people have died sudden deaths just due to dabbling with spirits.

Another instance where "seeds" of fun dabbling in the occult happened.  One night, a group of girls in a boarding school were playing with the Ouija board and suddenly the spirit wrote out on the board, "One of you will die within this week."  All the girls were terrified.  And later in the week, one of the girls had an accident and died.  This only happened because they opened the door to the spirit world and have it permission to rule in their lives.  In fact, all the girls had a troubled life later, some had very troubled marriages, some widowed early or had sudden deaths in the family, and others had hosts of problems.  Only Christ has the power to overcome and destroy the evil effects of plancheting.

One day, our lives will pass away. An eternity lies before each human being.  If we live to please man and not God, whose commands are clear, then all our righteous works are as filthy rags.  No one can stand before God in his own human goodness, even if he were a saint.  Jesus said, "I am the way, the Truth and the Life, no man can come to the Father except through Me".  John 14:6.  So let us not indulge in harmless seed-like activities, because we do not know when and how they grow so fast to override and destroy our lives.

If harmless seeds are growing around us and we know it, get rid of it fast, destroy it, detach yourself from it.  Choose not to feed it.  If it is not fed and nourished, it will shrivel and die.  Never entertain those seeds, or they will get life.  Soak yourself in the Presence of Jesus and those seeds in His Presence will get destroyed.  

No one seems to remember that that tiny seed has the intrinsic property to grow.  Bad seed weakens the will and pure powerful purpose of  a human.  Bad seeds scattered through the earth can grow like choking plants, to weaken the very fabric of human wills and conscience and easily be brought down with the enemy's ammunition.  There is hope.  Don't give the seed a chance to root and it will die.  Grow only the good seeds in your garden! 

© Rita Farhat Kurian

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