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Saturday 26 September 2015

The Wall of Protection - Testimony

A true incident of when we pray, we have special wall of protection and deliverance from evil and accidents

It was an unexpectedly pleasant winter in Shimla that year in the 1980s.  Just the kind of wonderful winter that one would want to go out for a long drive in the pleasant deliciously warm sun.   Shimla is the capital of the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, in the Himalayan foothills, in India, usually covered with snow in the winters.

It was the winter holidays and students were back home for the holidays.  Mrs. Singh's son, Charles had just finished his class 12 exams and he was back home in Shimla, from his school in Nainital.

That morning Charles got up early for breakfast unexpectedly much to Mrs. Singh's surprise. 
Charles said in answer to her surprise "We are going out for a long drive mom.   Harish's dad gave him a new Maruti car after the exams, and well, we want to go for a drive, me, Harish, Ram, and Suresh."

His mother gave a sigh.  She did not like the rash manner in which some of the boys, Charles' friends drove.

"Please make sure they don't race and drive fast Charles" she said anxiously.
"Mom, we'll be fine, just don’t worry so much, you worry so much all the time" said Charles impatiently.  He finished his breakfast and was out.

Mrs. Singh was not much of a praying lady, but that day, she got out her Bible, read some verses that gave her comfort and then started praying hard to God.  She prayed for their safely, and prayed especially hard for Charles.

With that, she continued on with her morning chores.  Her husband was out and traveled much, so she was busy mostly with housework and doing her own little hobbies.

The day went on in a haze, somehow Mrs. Singh did not feel right that day, so she continued praying. 

At 1 p.m., she got a call and picked up the phone.  A voice asked her to come to the hospital.  Charles had been in an accident.  White, trembling, she drove to the hospital, she was not sure whether Charles would be alive, sometimes they never said that on the phone.

When she arrived, she was frightened to see Charles, all bandaged up, sedated, but relieved to find he was alive.  She thanked God.

"What about the other three boys?" she asked the hospital doctor, who stood grimly next to Charles.

He looked at her and said "They all three died, the car crashed into the parapet and swerved backwards, did a spin around.  The car was crushed cruelly.  It is a miracle your son is alive, and that too, just with a few broken bones.  He had to be sedated because of the pain and the shock.  Once he knows his friends are gone, well, he will take it too hard, it will affect him."

Mrs. Singh felt a sadness and pain weigh her soul with the knowledge of the loss of Charles' friends.  She knew those boys well, and her heart grieved, grieving silently for their parents.  Deep in the recesses of her soul, she was grateful that Charles' life had been spared.

Mr. Singh arrived in the hospital later that afternoon and they waited, praying silently.  Late in the evening, Charles finally opened his eyes and smiled weakly at his parents.  His parents were overjoyed.  They knew Charles would make it.

Mrs. Singh kept thinking of the word the doctor said "miracle".  Yes, indeed it was a miracle.  Mrs. Singh also kept remembering that she kept praying that day, which was not usual for her.
She realized that God prompted her to pray, and it was pray that actually kept Charles alive.  She did not understand why the others did not live.  But somethings are not understood in this life.

Over the years Mrs. Singh would share this incident and say "Prayer builds a wall of protection.  We need to pray everyday for that protection and it builds a wall around those prayed for.  We underestimate it, but it is really very, powerful.  Please don't forget to pray for your loved ones everyday.  It is their wall of protection, and I know, Jesus protected Charles and put that protection around him"

When I heard this incident, it left an indelible impression on my mind.  Prayer builds a wall of protection around those prayed for, even when we pray for our own selves.  It is very powerful, the most powerful weapon we have.  Lets pray everyday and without ceasing!

Rita F. Kurian ___________________________________________________

Only God is the true  converter of a human soul.  No human can convert anyone.  It is God's Spirit to a human's spirit that converts.

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