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Sunday, 27 September 2015

Love is The Better Way - Testimony

A simple testimony of how Love is a powerful weapon, we think it is weak so we never embrace it, but the Language of Love scares away evil and is a powerful weapon in the Kingdom of God.

The Better Way : Names have been changed.

When I was working in a church office in Mumbai, we used to come back late nights after the night Bible College classes we attended.  I was often overtired.  One day as I was in the train in Mumbai on my way home, with a group of girls, suddenly one a young lady from the Bible College, *Mira,  looked at the other girls and said with a cold hardness in her voice, "You people are a clique, you care nothing for no one else but yourselves.  You clique club people in the Bible college!"

Most of the girls were silent and looked the other way.  I was shocked into silence for a minute and then took a deep breath and prayed silently.  After a while, I suddenly saw the situation through different eyes. I did not see a hard, cold angry woman with the wind whipping her tongue.  Instead she saw a sad, lonely young woman, who felt lonely and sad.  In that moment, I calmed down and started talking to Mira.  I was able to talk with her and by the end of the train ride, I felt I had a friend in Mira.

Over the ensuing weeks, *Mira called me out to a restaurant after work and I mentioned to her that some of us in the Bible College are going on a trip to Darjeeling and Kalimpong.  When* Mira heard the word Kalimpong, she jumped right up in surprise and then said slowly.  "I have a younger sister, but she eloped with a young man and married him as my father was angry with the young man, so she had to run away.  I heard she went to Kalimpong.  However, my father had told her never to come back to the house, so we lost touch of her.  We do not know where she is, only that she is in Kalimpong.  Now, my father is very ill now and he really wants to meet her, but we now don’t know how to get in touch with her.  Mira*  told Rina her sister's name was *Shanti D'Souza.  Well, it would be a needle in a haystack to find her, I thought.

A week later, I  went for that long trip to Darjeeling.  When we went to Kalimpong, I stayed with my mother who was at that time staying on the school campus in Dr. Graham's Homes in Kalimpong.  That night, I happened to mention about *Mira to my mother, mentioning she was looking for her sister *Shanti D'Souza.

The next day my mother casually mentioned the name of *Shanti D'Souza to the warden of the boarding school.  The warden of the boarding school, Ms. *Ruth jumped up and said that a girl by that name was related to her by marriage.  In the evening, a young man came to the school campus saying he was the husband of *Shanti D'Souza and Shanti would like to meet me.   So, he took me and my mother to his house on the hilltop and as I met *Shanti and told her about *Mira, it was indeed Mira's long list sister found again!

In time, the family was reunited.  *Shanti came to Mumbai and met her father who was delighted to see his daughter again and welcomed his son-in-law to the family as well.

I learned a powerful lesson from this.  If I had retaliated to *Mira's anger at us at that time, this wonderful miraculous reunion would have never taken place.

Another thought:  Though we may be in Bible college or in service in a ministry, we may become insensitive to the real needs of people because we already think we are in a spiritual plane above everyone, which is very untrue.  We could become very low and base-minded in such places if we are not careful because of the trap of spiritual pride and arrogance and comfort zone that we reach.

The Language of Retaliation and The Language of Love
These are  two opposite forces.  We often feel The Language of Retaliation is more powerful.  Many times, in the natural sphere, it seems to work better!

Satan and demons can never understand the language of Love because it is the language of God.  It is a deep mystery to the evil powers and it pronounces a dreadful calamity of judgment and defeat to them.

The ancient Greeks came up with the four different kinds of love:  Eros, storge, agape and philia.
Eros love is a passionate and intense love that arouses romantic feelings.
Storge love is a kind of family and friendship love, which is also a parent-child love.
Phileo love refers to an affectionate, warm platonic love, which constitutes friendships.
Agape love is an unconditional love that sees beyond the outer surface and accepts the person for whom he/she is, regardless of their flaws.  God's love is Agape love, the highest form of love.  Jesus always spoke of Love as the greatest commandment of all in this life.

The way of Love is the Way of the Christian Life.  The pathway of the purest Love can be found through only the Heart of God.

Love can never be borne through the natural man, because in himself or herself, nothing good dwells Romans 7:18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.

Only can the spiritual man love with agape love, this is unconditional love and there is only One who can really love with unconditional love, God.  When we really know and walk with God in the spirit man, God pours out this love fresh and overflowing in our hearts so we can impart this divine love to one another and the world.

In the face of this love, demons flee and man becomes free.  Free from the burden of hatred, revenge, envy, rage, bitterness, malice and the whole hosts of diabolic concoctions that rise out of a hate-ridden soul.  The power of love is not weak but strong, but the demons would like the people to believe love is a weak man's portion is this life.  So we never rise out of the ashes with the Love of God to pour out on each other and lavish the world with.  We are indeed losers without the power of love to reside within us to rise up in strength in timely moments.

I Corinthians 13:1-13 expounds love so beautifully and we can never really get enough of it or understand it in its depths.  How many times we fail this test of love?

Christianity in this day and age lacks love the greatest.  People simply don’t have the time or patience or even try to forgive each other, let alone love each other.

I Corinthians 13:1-13 may need to be read everyday and we need to ask the Holy Spirit to shed abroad this supernatural love in our hearts:  May our hearts be washed and renewed daily with this love.  One prayer that God always hears is when we pray for love to be enabled between one another.

We Cannot Love in the Energy of Our Flesh
With all good intentions of the heart, we may set out to obey the law of love, but in time it is impossible and we may receive serious setbacks, people taking advantage of that kindness displayed and people even bullying and mean and rancorous to a soul wanting to display love.

This is a testimony of a lady who discovered that love in the energy of the flesh cannot be practiced without the empowering of God Himself.  God is love and His love is supernatural, and our human love is natural and limited and can come under attack.  The only way to love supernaturally is to pray and love, never without prayer because that is our own effort.  Even good intentions are wood, hay and stubble.

When We Walk in the Law of Love We Will See Miracles Happen
Let me recount a wonderful testimony of obedience to Love.

A famous incident which many may have heard is about Corrie Ten Boom, a Dutch Christian, who helped save hundreds of Jewish lives during the Holocaust.   After the war, Corrie Ten Boom went to the United States and from there she often traveled to different countries, sharing her experiences and the Love of God for all.  In the Heroine of Harlem , "Corrie knew millions of surviving Germans carried that guilt.  No one needed Jesus more.  Once after Corrie talked in a church, the people got up silently, as they always did in Germany, and filed out. But working against the flow was a man coming towards Corrie.  He looked familiar.
No! She wanted to scream.  The man stopped in front of her, smiling.  "What a fine message, Frau ten Boom.  I'm so glad to hear our sins are forgiven."  This very man was at Ravensbruck!  He was one of the guards who watched coldly as Corrie and Betsie filed past, naked and degraded.  She remembered him distinctly.  Corrie could not speak.  She pretended to be preoccupied.  Would he never go away?  The man went on confidently, "You mentioned you were in Ravensbruck.  You won't believe this, but I was a guard at Ravensbruck. However, after the war, I became a Christian.  God forgave me.  Will you forgive me?"  He extended his weathered hairy hand.  It was as repulsive as a snake.
Oh, how hard it is to be in Christ a times like this, though Corrie.  She had a thousand reasons to hate this evil man.  Poor sweet Betsie.  But Betsie would have been the first to forgive him.  Corrie had to forgive him.  Or God would not forgive her.  It was perfectly clear in the Bible.  Corrie looked at the man's repulsive hand.  Forgiveness was not an emotion one indulged.  It was the will of God.
She extended her hand, "I forgive you."
Warmth flooded over her.  It was intense.  She felt herself glow with love.  But it was not her love.  She was powerless.  It was God's love just as Paul wrote in the fifth chapter of Romans
And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Love is Spiritual Warfare and Satan Cannot Understand the Language of Love
Love is a mystery to the Kingdom of Darkness.  The Cross, the symbol of God's love for the world is a mystery to Lucifer. Demons can only operate where there is discord so he especially works to create discord between people so he can function better.  To the natural human mind, the Cross symbolizes defeat and weakness.

We need to ask for this supernatural Love daily, it is not a onetime thing.  We need to clothe ourselves in love, shed abroad.  God will always answer us when we pray for love between ourselves and a difficult person.

Love is the sum of all commandments.  It is a secret way of life, a highway of holiness to live in love is to live in power and victory.  To live in hatred and revenge takes us to the baser and meaner operations of life where demons reside, the slimy, slippery pathways where they reside and gleefully have power and control over us.  Eventually that end is eternal separation from God, who is Love.

In this Highway, no evil can touch us because we are walking in such high places that it cannot reach us!

Rita Farhat Kurian

Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


Only God is the true  converter of a human soul.  No human can convert anyone.  It is God's Spirit to a human's spirit that converts.

Peace In The Storms - Testimony


Darjeeling, India
Little incidents of how God comforts and gives us peace in difficult or uncomfortable times, just a testimony of His peace beyond our understanding...

I was seventeen years old.  It was a dark moonless night, and I had gone to visit a friend's house, which was right at the top of a mountainous hill in Darjeeling. It was only seven in the evening, but it was pitch black. As I made my own way back to our cottage, which was around two kilometers down the hill, that darkness was engulfing.  The electricity cuts those days in Darjeeling were heavy, especially in the evenings.  Candlelight or lamps were glowing in homes when the power supply was cut off those evenings.

That particular moonless night, I was suddenly gripped with a fear of snakes, very commonly found sliding out of the forested areas.  There were cases where snakes had bitten people in the dark crossing their paths. I was particularly terrified of snakes.  That night, I had a kind of panic attack as I walked down the hill, in the dark.  Then I suddenly called out, "Jesus! Be here, be with me!"  I was not particularly close to God at that time, but the change was instantaneous.  A deep peace enveloped me and a peaceful warmth surrounded me.  The fear flew away.  I reached home, in tremendous peace.  I was amazed that I got such peace and protection with such a short prayer.

One particularly instance when was in my twenties, something happened to me, a thing which I feared would happen.  Something that I will not name as it is not relevant to this time.  When the actual event happened, I thought I would crumble and fall into pieces.  .  Usually, today, as I discover more and more, when we people go through difficult times, we pop a pill to go through any painful or overwhelming situation.  We take a sedative, anxiolytic, or an antidepressant for such situations.  Well, the comfort of medication did not even occur to me then.  That night, I thought I would not sleep.  But I had a verse that kept popping back into my mind.  Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him:  Job 13:15.  I did not even try to bring this verse to my mind, but it seemed to keep on repeating itself to me.  Then, a wonderful thing happened after that.  Throughout that night, I experienced a deep wonderful supernatural peace, I felt the Presence of Jesus just pouring that deep Peace over me and saturating me.  The next morning, I was totally healed and delivered from the pain of that situation.

I would like to add that it is very rare that something we fear actually happens to us, because more often, God protects us from harm if we are in His presence.  Psalm 112: 7 They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD.

Over the years, I have been in different stormy situations, sometimes with people who were aggressive or downright mean, and then again, that supernatural peace has surrounded me.

I do notice, however, that I do not experience this peace if I myself  am not walking on a pathway of doing the right thing.  I guess if I am in my flesh, and do certain wrongs, then that Peace is not experienced, but if I am trying to doing things in obedience, even in a frail way, yes, I do get that supernatural peace in a stormy situation.

Jesus said "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives."  John 14:27.  It is true.  He can give us deep peace, supernatural, and there are no human words to describe that peace.  No drugs, no medications, and no meditation or even transmeditation can give that kind of peace.  The peace you get from Him when you call on Him is transcendent.  It is instantaneous.  It is beyond us.  To receive it all you have to do is call Him with all your heart, and He will answer you. 

Rita Farhat Kurian

Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


Only God is the true  converter of a human soul.  No human can convert anyone.  It is God's Spirit to a human's spirit that converts.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

The Wall of Protection - Testimony

A true incident of when we pray, we have special wall of protection and deliverance from evil and accidents

It was an unexpectedly pleasant winter in Shimla that year in the 1980s.  Just the kind of wonderful winter that one would want to go out for a long drive in the pleasant deliciously warm sun.   Shimla is the capital of the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, in the Himalayan foothills, in India, usually covered with snow in the winters.

It was the winter holidays and students were back home for the holidays.  Mrs. Singh's son, Charles had just finished his class 12 exams and he was back home in Shimla, from his school in Nainital.

That morning Charles got up early for breakfast unexpectedly much to Mrs. Singh's surprise. 
Charles said in answer to her surprise "We are going out for a long drive mom.   Harish's dad gave him a new Maruti car after the exams, and well, we want to go for a drive, me, Harish, Ram, and Suresh."

His mother gave a sigh.  She did not like the rash manner in which some of the boys, Charles' friends drove.

"Please make sure they don't race and drive fast Charles" she said anxiously.
"Mom, we'll be fine, just don’t worry so much, you worry so much all the time" said Charles impatiently.  He finished his breakfast and was out.

Mrs. Singh was not much of a praying lady, but that day, she got out her Bible, read some verses that gave her comfort and then started praying hard to God.  She prayed for their safely, and prayed especially hard for Charles.

With that, she continued on with her morning chores.  Her husband was out and traveled much, so she was busy mostly with housework and doing her own little hobbies.

The day went on in a haze, somehow Mrs. Singh did not feel right that day, so she continued praying. 

At 1 p.m., she got a call and picked up the phone.  A voice asked her to come to the hospital.  Charles had been in an accident.  White, trembling, she drove to the hospital, she was not sure whether Charles would be alive, sometimes they never said that on the phone.

When she arrived, she was frightened to see Charles, all bandaged up, sedated, but relieved to find he was alive.  She thanked God.

"What about the other three boys?" she asked the hospital doctor, who stood grimly next to Charles.

He looked at her and said "They all three died, the car crashed into the parapet and swerved backwards, did a spin around.  The car was crushed cruelly.  It is a miracle your son is alive, and that too, just with a few broken bones.  He had to be sedated because of the pain and the shock.  Once he knows his friends are gone, well, he will take it too hard, it will affect him."

Mrs. Singh felt a sadness and pain weigh her soul with the knowledge of the loss of Charles' friends.  She knew those boys well, and her heart grieved, grieving silently for their parents.  Deep in the recesses of her soul, she was grateful that Charles' life had been spared.

Mr. Singh arrived in the hospital later that afternoon and they waited, praying silently.  Late in the evening, Charles finally opened his eyes and smiled weakly at his parents.  His parents were overjoyed.  They knew Charles would make it.

Mrs. Singh kept thinking of the word the doctor said "miracle".  Yes, indeed it was a miracle.  Mrs. Singh also kept remembering that she kept praying that day, which was not usual for her.
She realized that God prompted her to pray, and it was pray that actually kept Charles alive.  She did not understand why the others did not live.  But somethings are not understood in this life.

Over the years Mrs. Singh would share this incident and say "Prayer builds a wall of protection.  We need to pray everyday for that protection and it builds a wall around those prayed for.  We underestimate it, but it is really very, powerful.  Please don't forget to pray for your loved ones everyday.  It is their wall of protection, and I know, Jesus protected Charles and put that protection around him"

When I heard this incident, it left an indelible impression on my mind.  Prayer builds a wall of protection around those prayed for, even when we pray for our own selves.  It is very powerful, the most powerful weapon we have.  Lets pray everyday and without ceasing!

Rita F. Kurian ___________________________________________________

Only God is the true  converter of a human soul.  No human can convert anyone.  It is God's Spirit to a human's spirit that converts.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

We are Not Abandoned - Poem

Did Peter feel the worst failure when the Lord he disowned?
Did Stephen feel the Lord left him when he was stoned?
When John on the Island of Patmos was alone
Did he think Jeremiah 33:3 was a distant phone?

These saints did seem to suffer great pain
But in the presence of the Lord
They stood to gain
His healing presence did blot out the pain

Peter was restored to a deeper love for God
Stephen’s face shone with glory when he died
John lived on and wrote the greatest books
Each one had a greater love for Him
If He was not there, this love would be dim

Today the Lord walks among the candlesticks
Trimming our lamps when down ebbs our wicks
He will never leave us nor forsake us
We are not alone
Jeremiah 33:3 is the closest phone!  

Rita Farhat Kurian

\Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


The Hills are Alive - True Story

This is an exciting true story of how a storm turned the hills turned alive with revival fires in Darjeeling during the 1980s and its fires are still spreading downward to the plains, burning brightly and cannot be stopped and it is thrillingly the fire of the Holy Spirit... and not the work of man. Shared in 2015...when we pray for revival, things happen..but we have to be ready!!!

Darjeeling, India

Happy Sleepy, Peaceful Town
In the 1980s, the town of Darjeeling was a little happy town with good-natured gentle simple people, with few wants in life, content with all they had, very little crime, all the happenings in town centered around tourism because of snowy Mount Everest looming in the distance, with trek camps organized, Darjeeling had good schools and colleges, two cinema halls, sometimes rock shows performed by youth as Nepalis loved to sing and have beautiful voices, and a lot of football games and other games.  Those were the days when rock music was rampant.  The sad dampening event was the drug infiltration was insidiously silently sliding in like a mammoth hungry snake, drugs coming in from the Golden Triangle (Southeast Asia) and taking over many youth.

Many were deeply drawn to rock and pop music and on winter holiday nights, young people would burn bonfires where they would gather around a bonfire and sing gustily with guitars.  The influence of the Scorpions, Led Zeppelin, Rush and Pink Floyd was infused in many young Nepali hearts, and they held many rock concerts in the little town sometimes, singing these songs heartily.

In the early 1980s, two women got together regularly each morning after finishing their household chores and met at one of the woman's cottage to pray.  They both were ladies who were touched deeply by the Lord, and had a God-given burden to intercede for Darjeeling for old and young people to turn their hearts to God, give their lives to Him, and grow in Him.  This was the prayer of their morning meetings.

The Rise of A New Movement - The Storm
In 1986, I was in my house down the mountain, (Mount Hermon School) when I heard a terrible screaming, it was unimaginable and horrifying and a chill ran down my spine and I shivered.  My house helper said, "Boini (little sister), I will go down and see what it is.  She raced down the hillside road to the big main road on that mountainside.  When she came back, her face was blotched and red, and she was shaking and crying.  Weeping, she gasped, "One boy was killed, there is a big protest down, and one boy came forward to see what they were shouting about.  The protesters maddened to see anyone coming in their pathway slashed a kukri (curved knife used for fighting and as a tool by Nepalese) against the boy and cut off his head.  His mother who was behind ran forward and when she saw this, turned mad and screamed without stopping, she was inconsolable.  Her cries were unforgettable and haunted everyone for days.  I was in shock for days after this horrific event.  This was the start of that long movement where unprecedented killings occurred in a town of simple, good-natured folks who stood up for each other, protected their women and cared for each other.  But now, the random killings continued.

This was the start of the Gorkhaland movement, where activists wanted a separate state for themselves out of West Bengal, as they felt deprived of a lot of their rights.  In a strange turn of events, while the Gorkha's were fighting for Gorkhaland, a fight where Nepalis wanted to be separated from West Bengal, the state they were in, and create a state of their own called Gorkhaland.  But sadly, this evoked a lot of aggression among themselves and a lot of personal fights and feuds started erupting between them, the end result would be murder.  Sometimes, someone was just simply walking in an agitator's pathway of fury and they were mercilessly murdered.

On one occasion, a young boy was going to Government College and the protesters were matching forward.  For no reason, they turned on the young boy who was walking that way and started to growl something to him, in fear he started to run, and they chased him mechanically without knowing why and killed him with a khukuri without knowing why they killed him.  It was a senseless killing.  Several acts of violence happened.  Sometimes, when students were going to college, the protesters would round them up and order them to go home immediately if they wanted a curfew, flashing knives menacingly.  . I myself have had a knife flashed at me once when I was in town!

 The town folks and those living on the mountainsides lived in fear all the time.  In the shared passenger taxicabs, there was a deathly silence whereas before the town folks would chatter with each other happily.  Noone knew who was an informer, who would inform the Gorkha activists if someone was against the movement.  They could not speak a negative word against this violent movement for fear of death.

Eventually the Central Reserve Police Force, (CRPF) was planted in Darjeeling.  Many nights, the folks in Darjeeling heard gunshots.  The CRPF was firing any violent Gorkha protesters, but many times, innocent people got shot.  In fact, many of the most violent protesters were never nabbed, but innocent boys were victims of those gunshots.   Many youths did report that some of them were caught and tortured by the CRPF.  The CRPF would randomly catch suspected boys, many of them were not real activists, the real dangerous activists were untouchable and inaccessible.  Local Nepalis reported that the CRPF would torture these caught boys by covering them with wet blankets and beating them so badly they would get internal injuries, but no outward wounds were reflected because of the wet blankets.  All this was done under cover and would never be admitted openly by the CRPF.  So innocent people were wronged during this time.

The Rise of Prayer
The two praying women were pained and shocked.  They had prayed for revival. What was God doing?  They did not understand what was happening, but kept on praying.  In the meantime, a heart-sickened town was terrified and afraid amidst the broken-hearted who had lost loved ones. The Nepali Christians and also the Christians from outside, started praying more in their homes and as they started praying, the burden rose to pray for Darjeeling and the people of Darjeeling, and then they decided to meet together to pray.  It was quite common to see prayer meetings held in people's homes where very strong fervent prayer cries touched the throne of God, a roaring intercession moved the very heavens.  Many parents were afraid of losing their children through that insurgency and children and youth started praying for protection and for one another.  The level of love and concern grew for one another.  People started sharing dinners and meals together, more for togetherness, oneness and prayer.  In 1992 onwards, the Gorkha movement calmed down to a great degree, but with the loss of over 1,200 lives.

The people of other faiths were watching this interchange of Christian life and prayer, and they saw the love of Jesus shining in Christians, who were strengthened deep within through their powerful prayer times.  The spirit of fear left the Christians.  They now simply trusted God.  The seed fell in the very fertile God-hungry hearts of the other people and many wanted to know Christ.  There was one family in particular, a Malwari where the father used to specialize in making silver idols and had a shop in Darjeeling where all the people of his faith bought his idols.  When he learned about Jesus, that the God of the Bible commanded not to make idols, he stopped making them and lost his business.  He did this at the risk of his own life as people were angry he stopped making idols, and he also lost great wealth.  From being a very rich man, he lost a lot, but he did not care.  He had found the pearl of great price.  He insisted on being baptized along with his family in the name of Jesus.  The pastor was almost afraid of such a strong decision, but the man was certain, finally this man and several others were baptized in a river in the vicinity of Darjeeling district.  The Nepali Christians with their simple and clean faith continued to pray fervently for all the people and have prayer meetings in their homes.  Pray was the force and backbone and powerful breath of fire that started burning through the land.  Great strongholds started breaking down.

Springs of Revival
This awakening continues forcefully even today, 2013 and has spread like a burning fire to the foothills of Darjeeling, in Siliguri.  This revival moves and multiplies on its own, a very mighty force moving forward like a river.  In fact, the preachers and pastors themselves feel overwhelmed by the response of the people from other faiths.  They are simply drawn to Christ, they are tired of the fighting and violence they see among themselves and see the peace, love and power of Christ in believer Christians who are truly walking in Christ.  They know they are sinners in need of a Savior and want to follow after Him.  They all want to be baptized.  It is not something pastors propagate, but it is a step that the new converts want.  The pastors take that step and baptize those that are requesting it, often several are baptized together and there is a mighty crowd of spectators.  Just on Sunday, May 19, 2013, some new believers rented out a hotel hall to have services.  They are so hungry for the Word and so hungry to worship God and know Him more that they are fervently making these moves.  The only True Converter is the Spirit of God who convicts the world of sin and draws them to Christ.  No man can do this.

The secret of the subterranean springs of the revival is the continuous prayer meetings and Bible studies.  In retrospect, in Christianity, a lot of attention is given to Bible studies.  We need very strong interceding pray in revival times along with the Word.  It is the united prayer that break down the walls of Satan to let the power of the God impact a village, a town, a city, and a nation.   It is not in one's own efforts of even sharing the Gospel or teaching the Word.  Without prayer, no one can do it.

My friends, when we pray for revival, it will come, but be prepared for the stormy upheaval that may accompany it, sometimes.  Be prepared to keep on having strong prayer meetings as Satan's army awakens with revival.  We need the fire of prayers constantly burning in our hearts to never stop prayer, the Bread of Life in Bible studies to teach and strengthen each other constantly, and the Springs of Living Water of the Holy Spirit to continuously refresh, wash and cleanse our souls.  Then the revival fires cannot dim down easily and they would burn even brighter each coming day.  As the hills are alive, may they continue to burn brightly with revival fires.

It is my prayer, and many others I have discovered recently have this same strong burden, that we have one last revival all over the world before the Rapture, so a harvest of souls will come to Christ.  I pray that we will be burdened to fast and pray for this.

© Rita Farhat Kurian

Only God is the true  converter of a human soul.  No human can convert anyone.  It is God's Spirit to a human's spirit that converts.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Peace After A Storm - Poem

Just before the storm there is a deep eerie silence
Then, suddenly a violent storm hits with vengeance
Situations, places and people are ravaged and torn
Destruction roars, wrecks and breaks without mercy

But after the storm is a golden silence
This is a different calming silence.
Golden, glowing with budding hope
Out of that storm, new life recreates
Something fresh, pure, cleaned comes out

A healing rain gently falls washing away all the pain
People who survive out of storms will stand to gain
Great changes happens after a violent storm
Lives become powerful and doubly strong

After a storm, around the corner
The greatest is yet to come
There is nothing to fear or run from
Just before something great happens
Sometimes there may come a storm
As some great things can only be loosed
After a destructive storm

Rita Farhat Kurian

\Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


Monday, 21 September 2015

The Golden Chain - Poem

Connection in the form of purity
Is a wonderful golden chain
New great things happen that evil cannot refrain
When the river connects to the mighty sea
A great exchange of wealth occurs
Trade is blessed in an astounding spree

Connection of a simply key can unlock a complex door
Connection of a simple and unwise man with a wise man
Enriches him making him feel he has washed away his flaws
Connection of raging destructive fire doused out with gushing water
Saves many lives from calamity's hungry slaughter

Connection in purity always brings good change
Because the link goes to a richer plain
Traveling along that Great Golden Chain
But a life which closes it's doors to connection
Slowly dies within, getting stagnant and listless

The greatest connection one can have is with God
Because when that happens, we are connecting with Our Creator.
We see wonders and we can only stand in awe
This connection gifts us the most precious wonders
We start to see miracles shaking the earth like roaring thunder
The old evil walls of division and isolation starts to crumble

With our connection with God , we see astounding happenings
The scales in our lives and the unfair weights start balancing
It is just a small tiny step to connect with our God
But the  joys we experience with this is our greatest reward!

Rita Farhat Kurian

Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


Sunday, 20 September 2015

Waiting - Poem

Today I think it will be soon
I stand and look at the silver moon
On a quiet hilltop with the rustle of leaves
Silently I wait as my heart grieves
My God, He watches me in my pain
Promising “Child, there will be rain
The seeds I have planted, I will feed
Till they grow and fulfill your deepest need
I wait in the silence, the cold moon sails
I wait for Heaven to lift its veil
The veil will lift
For Jesus never fails

Rita Farhat Kurian

Email Us For Prayer!
You can send E-mail for prayer requests and also urgent prayer and will pass this on to the prayer group in Siliguri of Elder Richard Tamang's so do send in your prayer requests! We will all pray!


The Face of Revenge - Poem

The face of revenge is always hungry
The heart never soothed, always angry
The soul is like a candle that consumes itself
Exhausted, burnt out, with nothing to give
Living only revenge as the motive to live
In the very end, that soul is reduced to ashes
And really was it worth those revenge lashes?

But if revenge is replaced with forgiveness
The Heavens would open and blessings would rain
One's thoughts would flow to a higher plane
With higher thoughts, we can soar on eagles wings
And the rumbling revenge chant is broken and replaced
With a soul is free as a bird that in blue skies sings
And that person can accomplish the greatest things!

Rita Farhat Kurian