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Saturday, 31 December 2016

Happy New Year 2017

This Year is the Big Go

2017 is the big Go!
Go with Divine flow!
You will experience
Astounding new things
With sparkling glow
Step out on the waters
With eyes of faith
 Go, accomplish, do not hesitate! 
Walk through each day 
 Breathing prayer
And hang in there
And  experience the riches
God has to share...

Jeremiah 29:11:  For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

© Rita Farhat Kurian

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

A Prophetic Word for 2017 - Sybella Owens

Sybella Owens walks very closely with God, studying the Bible, and praying and interceding for others very much.  Her prophesies are tested, tried, and true, because of the purity of her own personal life and the call of God on her life.  We are sure that what she has to say is very valuable, heard from the heart of God during her prayer times so let us listen and if this prophesy resonates in our spirits, may we go forward.  Amen.

WORD FOR 2017 FOR THE BODY OF CHRIST - THE SEASON OF "GO!" The Lord put a word in my heart tonight, by His Holy Spirit, for the BODY OF CHRIST FOR 2017. This is a lengthy message and took time to prayerfully write in the Spirit. The Lord has been giving me words by His Holy Spirit for my local church and the Body of Christ at large for years. The words He gives for the start of a new year are often more lengthy because it is an overview of the year to plant seeds, give direction, sometimes warnings, exhortations, whatever is on God's heart for the Body of Christ. So I encourage you to please TAKE THE TIME to PRAYERFULLY read through this or save it and put it aside, maybe print it out so you can PRAY OVER IT WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT AND ASK HIM WHAT PART(S) IF ANY ARE FOR YOU TO PERSONALLY TO RECEIVE. He may show you a part for others, please pass on it as the Spirit of God leads as this is for the BODY OF CHRIST AT LARGE NOT JUST MY REGION OR COUNTRY. You will see all the scriptures the Holy Spirit gave to go with this Word at the bottom.

I believe that some of you may have been praying and asking God for the "WHEN" to step out or "GO". You know the "what, " it's just the "WHEN TO GO" you're WAITING on God for. I believe there may even be a few of you who have been waiting for YEARS to step out and "GO" in a BIG way. You have been DOING ministry work, you have been FAITHFUL where you are, ALLOWING God to train you, but you KNOW that GOD has CALLED YOU to "GO" to something BIGGER and you are WONDERING will this come to pass? "Is it time to GO yet," is the cry in your heart. I see a vision of some of you as RUNNERS at the starting line of a race (like in the Olympics) and you are bent down poised and literally in the starting position just waiting on the gun to go off, which is in matter of seconds.

Then I believe the Lord is showing me there are SOME of you who are asking God for the "WHAT." You need DIRECTION in what to "GO" into or where to "GO" to in this NEW SEASON that will be here in a FEW weeks. I believe as you are seeking Him especially now that He will show you and I want to encourage you to REALLY PRESS IN for that, consider fasting.

I believe God is about to LAUNCH many people who have been BEHIND THE SCENES, "in hiding," so to speak (in pits, getting trained, praying at all hours in the wee hours of the night and no one really knows what you are doing BUT GOD does). I believe that there is a group of WARRIORS and people that God has indeed been TRAINING for YEARS, some 10 years or more, some a bit less, but it has been more then just a few months, it has been years. It has been letting God MOLD you, you have been the CLAY ON THE POTTER'S WHEEL and it has FELT like it. You have ALLOWED GOD to MOLD YOU. You have walked through the FIERY FURNACE and miraculously COME OUT on the other side and DON'T smell of smoke! Sure, you may "FEEL" like you WREAK of smoke, but THE TRUTH is you DON'T. When others look at you, they keep remarking on your FAITH and they see CHRIST IN YOU. Sound familiar? Listen for your "GO."

There are a remnant of people that are being called in this VERY HOUR, for this VERY SEASON that is almost UPON US, that are going to be RAISED UP to "GO" and TAKE YOUR PLACE ON the FRONT lines. There is indeed a "CHANGING OF THE GUARDS" that is about to take place and is even in motion right now. It is happening not only in the larger platforms in the world and the USA but ALSO in the churches, in businesses, in places of power and influence. There are MAJOR SHIFTS that are TAKING PLACE, even now, in the SPIRIT realm and we are and will continue to see it in the natural. This INCLUDES the BODY OF CHRIST!

There are people that God has been TRAINING, they have been in BOOT CAMP, TRAINED to be FAITHFUL TO HIM NO MATTER WHAT. People who know WHO they are and WHO'S they are because they have spent time in the SECRET PLACE WITH THE LORD and HIS WORD. Even when they thought they were going to die they DID NOT AND WILL NOT turn away from God.  The Lord has INVESTED much time in you. YOU are about to get called into your "GO."


There are those who are chomping at the bit and READY AND WILLING, you are WAITING to be RELEASED to STEP INTO your CALLING. God is about to pull the trigger to "GO!" Remember the image, the Holy Spirit gave me for you, a runner bent down at the starting line, about to sprint. When a runner is in that position it means he/she is READY. He/she is NO LONGER stretching. He/she is NO LONGER warming up, he/she is NO LONGER doing warm up laps, he/she is NO LONGER standing straight about to take the position, no, he/she IS IN THE POSITION, bent down, READY, within SECONDS that gun is going to go off and he/she will "GO!" We have been in part for many in a season this year of "on your mark, get set and...." we have been waiting for the "GO!" It did not come because many of us were not yet ready.

BUT where I believe the Holy Spirit of God has shown me (in part) we are right now IS about to enter into THAT SEASON OF "GO!" There is a DISTINGUISHING SHIFT that is taking place, it is MORE intense, it is MORE charged, there is MORE anointing and MORE authority that I believe is going to be RELEASED on the BODY OF CHRIST for SUCH A TIME AS THIS. The LION OF JUDAH, JESUS CHRIST is about to ROAR UPON and THROUGH many. The LORD IS ABOUT TO SAY "GO!"

Those who the Lord has called as WARRIORS are being SUITED UP and have their ARMOR ON and they are about to "GO" and be RELEASED in to the spirit to WAR more INTENSELY than EVER BEFORE. The angels of the Lord are already warring on our behalf and we are about to REALLY join them in a way that we have not experienced before. I believe those who are CALLED to WAR WILL GO TO WAR. Some of this WAR will not look as you expect for it will come straight from the FATHERS HEART of LOVE. They will know us by our LOVE and HIS LOVE never fails!

Those who are called to PREACH and TEACH will have a NEW level of open doors to them TO "GO", as well as, BLOCKADES that will have to be OVERCOME, prayed into, OR TO "GO" over, around or through. This is a BIG YEAR OF STRATEGIES being sought and released on both sides. The Body of Christ will need to be on TOP of strategies from God and listening to prophets, the prophetic streams and the five-fold ministry needs to come forth more. Those who are called to PROPHESY will "GO" and do so MORE and MORE, where they can, even on the streets, one on one, or online, through writing, songs, prophesy to the dead bones that they may NOW LIVE! God NEEDS HIS WORD TO GET OUT. Please Be OBEDIENT and "GO" when the Lord calls you to do so. You only learn by stepping out. Those are called OR led by the Holy Spirit TO "GO" into healing ministries, miracles, to encourage, evangelists, laid down lovers, helps, will and need to "GO." Those who are BLESSED to GIVE need to give in OBEDIENCE, LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT, whether it be your time, smile, laughter, words, prayers, money, prayer etc. Now is the time of salvation, today. WE ARE AT TODAY.

DON'T LISTEN TO THE LIE that if you are not some famous evangelist or "big name" you don't make a difference, don't compare yourself with others. THE ONLY NAME THAT MATTERS IS JESUS! That is a trap of the enemy, you run YOUR race. EVERY PART MATTERS, GOD NEEDS EVERY ONE OF US. What one can do, another cannot. WE EACH need to "GO" AND do OUR PART that GOD has called us too.

We need EACH OTHER AND NEED TO BE IN UNITY LIKE NEVER BEFORE. There can be no more petty distractions, jealousies, competition, malice, unforgiveness, gossip, bad seeds etc. It is TIME WE TURN AWAY FROM THOSE THINGS, AWAY FROM FOOLISH ARGUMENTS AND "GO" TO UNITY IN CHRIST JESUS.

God bless each one of you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Always in His Love, your sis Sybella

Mark 3:25 If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

2 Timothy 2:23 Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels

Titus 3:9 But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless.

2 Timothy 2:14-17 Remind them of these things, and charge them before God not to quarrel about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers. Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. But avoid irreverent babble, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness, and their talk will spread like gangrene.

Ephesians 4:16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Romans 12:4 For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function...

Ephesians 4:31-32 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.

1 Corinthians 12:12-20,26-27 But now there are many members, but one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; or again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” ... But God has so composed the body, giving more abundant honor to that member which lacked, so that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members of it.

Ephesians 4: 11-13 So Christ Himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Colossians 3:13-14 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

1 Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.

Matthew 10:7 "And as you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'

Luke 9:60 But He said to him, "Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God."

Acts 5:20 "Go, stand and speak to the people in the temple the whole message of this Life."

John 13:35 "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Ezekiel 37:1-14

Sybella Owens' link to her website

The Miracle in My Furnace

Alice E. Lewis

Jesus said “Ask and it shall be given unto you.  Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you.. Will not the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?”

The church I grew up in did not  believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. One received all there was when one became converted.  Speaking in tongues was thought of as emotionalism.  My feelings toward Pentecostal people was that they thought that they were better than anyone else because of their noisy praying and worshiping, yet in the back of my mind I wondered “What if there is more than what I had been taught. What if there IS a baptism of the Holy Spirit?”

One winter day when I was in a desperate situation, God proved to me that His word is true.  It was forecast to be one of those bitter Minnesota winter nights which make houses creak and pop with the cold. The morning weather forecast had said it would be 20 degrees below zero Fahrenheit that night.  Just as my husband was leaving for work, our furnace ran out of oil. We were in desperate financial straits. He was working full time at a print shop as well as putting in long hours trying to save our failing gas station business. (This was during the oil shortage of the early 1970’s when many gas stations went out of business.)  We barely had enough money to put a little food on the table. There was nothing left over for anything else.

On Friday night when he got his paycheck from the print shop, my husband would buy two five gallon cans of fuel oil for our furnace, and that would have to last for the week.  This particular week, we could afford only one. Now on Tuesday morning, it was all gone.  The furnace sputtered on and off  a few times, and then quit altogether. We would have to put oil in the tank and bleed the air out of the line before it would start again.

I went into the basement to start a fire in our wood burning  stove, however we only a few pieces of wood left.  We seemed destined to be left to the mercy of the weather that night.  I knew that within a few hours it would be getting quite chilly in the house.  How would I protect my children?  I could beg from my folks or from my husband’s mother, or maybe I could ask for benevolence from my church, but I didn’t want to do either.

I was praying as I was putting  in the last piece of firewood “God, we are entirely at your mercy.  Maybe you could make it not get so cold, or you could give us tough hides to see us through this.  I will not ask for charity!  My help is in You.  Jesus, you promised that you would never leave us comfortless.  You promised that when you went away you would send us another comforter.  IF I EVER NEEDED A COMFORTER, IT IS RIGHT NOW!

Little did I know what I was asking for.  I think I was thinking in terms of a warm blanket or a “There-there, it’s going to be all right.”, but He sent The Comforter – The Holy Spirit.  None of my religious upbringing prepared me for what happened next. I felt a surge of powerful energy flowing in through the top of my head, down my body through my feet, and back up again and out through my head.  With my toes tingling, I felt myself being lifted to my feet by unseen hands as words in a language I have never heard flowed from my mouth.

With hands held high I began dancing around the house praising the Lord and singing songs I knew, and making up new songs of praise as I went. I tried to remember the few words I had spoken in that strange language.  I wanted to say them again because of the power I had felt in them when I spoke them, but I couldn’t remember them. It dawned on me that maybe this was what those crazy Pentecostals were experiencing.

My heart and mind were filled with unshakable faith.  I knew without one trace of doubt that Jesus would not leave me comfortless, that He would not let His little children suffer.
I continued through the day singing and praising God, I was so filled with praise and thanksgiving that I had to let it out.  I think that my children must have thought I was going nuts, doing my housework singing and dancing and praising the Lord. “You are my Comforter. You will not leave me comfortless.”

Through the day, the house grew colder.  I put the children to bed with their snowsuits on, and I piled on all the blankets I could find.  It never occurred to me to worry that the water pipes in the basement could freeze up. I was just so filled up with the presence of the Lord.  I was reveling in it.

My husband came home after closing up the gas station late that night, crawled into bed with me and promptly fell into an exhausted sleep. There was nothing else we could do about the heat.  The little electric space heater would have to do, because that was all we had.
About 2:00 AM, I woke to the sound of the furnace fan running. I got up to turn it off, since it would be senseless to let cold air blow about the house. I pushed the thermostat lever all the way down as far as it would go, but the furnace kept running since the house was already colder than the lowest setting. “This is crazy.” I thought.  Next I went into the kitchen and placed my hand over the hot air vent.  I really don’t know why I did that.  To my utter amazement, warm air was coming out of the vent.  With tears streaming down my cheeks, I cried out, “Oh my God, what are You doing!”   The furnace had been dead since 7:00 AM, and now at 2:00 AM, after we had been sleeping for several hours, it had started up all by itself. “God, I have never heard of anything like this before.  I knew that maybe you could moderate the weather, but to make an empty furnace run – that was a miracle greater than anything I have ever heard of.”  Yet it was running. There was warm air coming out of the vents.

I went to the basement to check the gauge on the oil tank.  Sure enough, it read empty, just as I knew it would.  I tapped on the tank from the top on down to the bottom.  It was hollow all the way. There was no oil in the tank!  Warm air was circulating all through my house.  “My God, You are so wonderful!”

I remembered the old Sunday School song, “Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning” Here was a new twist, I thought  “Give me oil in my furnace, keep me comfy.”  I was laughing and praising.  No one in his right mind would ask God for something so outrageous.  I asked for the Comforter, and I got Him (although I did not fully understand, because I had never been taught), and I also got the fire of God in my furnace.

If I would have asked for fire in my furnace, I am sure I would not have gotten it.  I asked for the Comforter, and I got both Him and physical comfort. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”

I went back upstairs and set the thermostat back up to 65 degrees. I sat on the floor by the warm air vent next to the patio door and looked out at the stars shining brightly in the cold winter night and continued praising and thanking the Lord.

The next morning we set the thermostat to a more comfortable 72 degrees. The furnace continued to run without fuel until Friday when we had money to buy oil again.
Have faith. God will take care of you too.

Alice E. Lewis

Sunday, 25 December 2016

How I Experienced the Astounding Power of Jesus , Jesus does miracles today - Testimony

Shared in 2013 by Patrik

When I was at high school in Göteborg (Sweden) I did not believe in God, but my god was science in which I believed.

There, I had a friend who worked as a scientist in a group investigating elementary particles.
Sometimes he took me with him, so I could see how they do experiments. After those experiments, those scientists would meet in a cafe to discuss those experiments and conclusions that could be done. When I asked them about the reason for some things which were impossible to happen and yet they did happen ( for eg., particle that had passed energy barrier which they cannot pass). On my questioning how could this happen, they answered that there is a spiritual world, and God interacting with physical universe. I was surprised to hear they believe in God, and since I always loved adventure, diving, travelling - learning and experiencing new things, I thought it would be great to be able experience those spiritual worlds too.

Sometimes I went with my mother to Catholic Church, not because I was a Christian, but because it was a sort of a cultural thing. From my visits of Church, I got an impression that Christians only talk about those spiritual things but that they experience nothing and they said after you are dead first than you will see and experience that they talk about.
That was not anything for me.

However, when some Indian guru arrived to our town promising that he can show us God, and that we will hear God and experience His presence, that was something different! I went for this meeting and let myself to be initiated. I did see some supernatural light and heard some noise, which they said was God. Even if there was no evidence that this should be God, yet at least I experienced something supernatural there while all Christians I met with before were only talking and there was no supernatural sign at all that they would be connected with supernatural God.  While all disciples of Jesus did experience and perform supernatural acts, I thought that I am on a right way to God but Christians are not.

After some 10 years, I could see some negative changes on my friends with whom we did those Hindu or Buddhist meditations.

Some of them started to be a sort of apathetic and some started to be on contrary explosive angry for even smallest things their girlfriends or wives would say. Soon some of them ended up with meditation psychosis in mental hospital, one girl committed suicide.

A girl whom I brought myself to this meditation was sitting one day in her kitchen when she saw how walls and ceiling were coming on her to crash her and heard voice of guru talking to her.
She was clever enough to understand that “meditation psychoses“ is a spiritual thing which needs a spiritual cure, so she run to the ecumenical Bible school in our town Göteborg and after Christians prayed to Jesus and laid hands on her she got completely free.

When I met her, she told me she had seen how Jesus was healing sick people who would come there on crutches and many other miracles. I went to this Bible school to check it out.

My biggest need was that I was longing for God and wanted to have some encounter with Him. The second need was that after an encounter with a car on icy road, I had very complicated fracture of knee, which doctors operated for two hours, they told me there is nothing more that can be done with it, but I had to avoid some sports and be careful. Problem was that it was getting worse and worse each year.

When I got to the Bible school, the preacher said that Jesus died to take on Himself our sins and also our sicknesses so those of us who were sick or had pain should go forward so they will lay hands on us and pray to Jesus so He will heal us. I went forward and they laid hands on me without asking what is wrong with me and prayed with strange languages. I asked Jesus to heal my knee and felt some sort of weak vibration in whole leg. After this, my knee was healed. This was a proof that our guru did not have so much insight in spiritual world as he pretended, since he was saying to us that Jesus is dead and therefore He can not help us any more.  However, here I have asked Jesus silently to heal my knee ( so even this Swedish pastor who prayed for me did not know what my need was ) and Jesus answered by healing me.

Even if I found out that not only is Jesus alive but there is a way to experience His power and presence, I still did not want to give up meditation.

The director of the Bible school told me that meditation is from devil, which I did not believe, but he said also that those two powers, which I experienced in meditation and in Bible school are of opposite nature. That was something I had to think about, since when I tried to do meditation after Jesus healed my knee, I did experience some sort of conflict. Since I decided that I will get everything what those Christians have and experienced , either everything or nothing ( to come only once in week to church say some prayer and not experiencing anything, have no power of God only theology was not for me).  I decided I will had better to check whether they are not right by stopping meditation for 20 days, then starting again and see if there will be any difference.

After 12 days of no meditation, I did not want to wait longer any more, did meditation and got out of my body to some sort of world where big balls of light were trying to crash me and I felt terrible presence of evil. I wanted to get out of there, but I could not, and in this moment, I remembered an article from daily newspaper written by a doctor from a mental hospital who was describing meditation psychoses. He wrote that apart of those meditation psychoses that my friends had, there are also such, when a patient is laying as dead for months and years and does not respond any more. I understood this will happen to me, and that my body will end up in some mental hospital, but I would stay in this horrible place. So I started to shout Jesus, Jesus take me out of here. After a second, I was sort of sucked back to my body and after this I did not touch meditation any more.

Later on I met a Satan worshipper who needed to be free, and Jesus set him free, who told me that those meditation techniques and opening of the third eye is also what devil is teaching, to get them possessed by demons . Esoteric masters from New Age are doing this and are also planning to give power to a dictator who will rule in whole world, perform miracles and force all people to take a mark on the right hand or forehead without which no one will be allowed to sell or buy, just as Bible says in Revelation described as the Antichrist. (The New Age also say that money should be cancelled, thus promoting microchips injected under the skin on hand, which already exist and can be used instead of money as credit cards).

I wanted to help the people the way those pastors do, who prayed for me with power from Jesus, so I asked how they got this power. They told me it was when they were baptized with Holy Spirit. So whenever some preacher said he will pray for those who want to be baptized in Holy Spirit , I run forward, they prayed for me and nothing would happen. First after several months and many prayers, one servant prayed for me and I felt as if some ball of fear was coming up from my stomach to my mouth and she said "Now you got it!"  The reason why it was so difficult for me to be baptized was that all the dirt from meditation had to get out of me first.
Already next day when I prayed for my friends Jesus was healing them.

I started to go to this ecumenical bible school and at Church, we had a pastor whom God has used even for healing cancer. After each preaching, he would call those who were sick, or needed any prayer forward and prayed for them. With youth pastor from our Church and also some youth from other Churches we started to go among criminals and drug addicts in places where drugs were sold, and Jesus was there doing miracles, and healing, saving them. Those people were not interested to listen to us in the beginning, they were even aggressive, but when they started seeing God's power in action, it was quite different. Prostitutes who were beating our girls in the beginning were later on almost fighting between each other, because each wanted us to pray for her first.

They have seen that our God is living God by those healings He did among them.
Then I took my 21 foot sailing boat and sailed to Canary Islands to preach among hippies who lived there in caves and were deep in New Age, occult and drugs. Soon the group of saved people was formed since Jesus showed them with His Power (not only my words) that He is really alive.

After about one year, I run out of money so I went home to Sweden, to earn some more, so I could serve God again among those hippies. At this time communism fell in Czechoslovakia, so I sold my boat on Canary Island, and with that money, I went to Prague to serve God there.
In Prague I met people from Harvest International who were traveling around in old buses with circus tent preaching and praying for sick, so I went with them for some years. We have seen thousands and thousands of people to come to Jesus and to be healed. God's power was so strong there, that when I saw some person who could not walk properly or move hands, I was glad that people in tent will see Gods healing power in action, since majority of those people Jesus healed completely or they got considerably better. ( In the west only few people were healed, not a majority) Than some business men paid me to go with them to Thailand, to do business. I stayed there for several months and could do evangelization with local pastors or preach in the church, since business took only few hours in week.

Then I got invitation to be a pastor and also invitation by US missionary to work with him with boat ministry which I preferred most. I told them I would need a wife to live in Thailand permanently so I went back to Czech Republic to get one!

When I came to Prague, I asked God to send me a wife to Methodist Church, which I planed to visit on Sunday. On Sunday, I went to Church and at the tram station, I saw a nice girl with beautiful eyes.  So I told God I would like a girl like that, and also to give me courage to talk to her. He gave me courage so I gave her Christian tract and invited her to that Methodist Church behind the corner where I was on way to. She told me, she is also going to that Church, she is only waiting for her father. She came to Church, gave me her address, 3 days later I asked her if she would mind living on sailing boat or in the simple hut in jungle, and she said she would love it, therefore, I asked her to marry me and she said yes.

Three weeks after I met her, we got married when my pastor friend and mentor Gösta Öman come from Sweden to Prague. I think it is normally much better when people know each other longer time before they get married, but I wanted to get back to Thailand soon. First, a long time after that, she admitted that she was praying to God the same week as I did, telling Him that she does not want to be alone any more, asking Him to send her a husband who is older than she and who likes adventure a lot, to that Methodist Church, ( where she normally does not go – and neither did I) that Sunday.

Back in Thailand, we were happy to see how God was doing His miracles and saving people.
Once we were for example asked to pray for an old man who fell from a high mango tree and broke his back so he could not walk and doctors said they cannot do anything for him anymore. We prayed to Jesus for whom there are no hopeless cases, and next day he told his daughter that in the dream he heard a voice telling him he is healed now and can go to WC by himself, but he was arguing that he cannot walk. When he woke up, he went to WC by himself and his daughter said he is not so much surprised that Jesus healed him, but what surprised him very much was that God of foreigners can speak so perfectly Thai language!!!!

I praise Jesus, He gave me a new life and filled my deep vacuum and hunger for the spiritual life!  Amen.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Into the Valley of the Shadow of Death - Testimony

Terry Wilson
“Looking under rocks LTD.
(leaving no stone unturned)

2 Cor: 11:26 In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren;

In the beginning of 2011, I began to suffer with an extreme depression…

I began to fall into a state of deep depression regarding my faith in Jesus Christ… and became even more depressed by the attitudes of those who pretended to be Christians, where in reality, they are not…I avoided all forms of fellowship!

I can clearly remember saying to my wife that I wanted to die, but I did not have the guts to kill myself…I said these words to her: “I only hope that some deadly disease will come upon me and take my life!’

Proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."

I did not know then what I know now that by this very utterance I had given Satan permission to attack and kill me.  Not long after…I became very weak and ill.  I began to lose a lot of weight, and became unable to eat…and what I did eat failed to stay down.
In a matter of a month or so, I began to resemble a walking skeleton…

My wife pleaded with me to go to a hospital or see a doctor…
Each time I refused to listen to her, as I really developed the attitude that I wanted to die!  My depression became so intense, I began to embrace a powerful death wish!  It got to the stage where I could not walk, or even get out of bed without falling over.
I was unable to pick myself up from the floor because I was so thin and weak… I had to call my wife to help me get up.  I am over six feet in height and my wife is a small five feet nothing…She was not strong enough to help me up to my feet.  I could not even go to the toilet without collapsing…

A couple of days later, I could not get out of bed at all, and I still refused to go to a hospital or see a doctor…I longed for death to come and release me.  Eventually, I gave in to my wife’s’ incessant pleading, and allowed her to call an ambulance…Believe it or not, there was no ambulance available!  I managed to get out of bed and onto the front porch where my younger son was waiting to drive me to the hospital…It was then I completely lost my ability to walk.  The shadow of death was upon me as my wife and son wheeled me into the emergency department of the local hospital.
I was diagnosed as suffering from acute renal failure… My kidneys had stopped working!

Over a long period of time I had developed a blockage in my prostate gland which had been caused by an untreated bladder infection that had grow worse each day.  This caused the prostate to enlarge to an incredible size and block the natural waterworks of my body.  A retentive blockage developed in the bladder that rendered my kidneys unable to function… they stopped working completely.  The raging infection caused other major organs to swell up and become infected.

I could smell the presence of death around me as I kept drifting in and out of a dark place…I was venturing into the ‘valley of the shadow of death…’I could smell the presence of rotting flesh about me…It was like I was in a grave with a rotting corpse.  The funny thing was that I was aware of everything about me, yet I was not alone…There were others in this place with me.  I became aware of others around me…They seemed to be totally unaware of their surroundings, and even aware of themselves.  I thought this place to be where one awaited death to come and claim them…

Maybe this is the place where people go for a little while… where they can be revived by CPR…during that vital five or six minutes before finality of death overcomes them.  I saw a ‘shadowy figure coming towards me and I knew who it was…It was death!

As a believer in Jesus Christ: I recalled Psalm 23 telling me to fear no evil for God is with me… The shade of death loomed over me like a dark overpowering shroud…Then I heard the ‘still small voice’ inside me bring scripture to my mind.  1Kings 19:12 "And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice."

Psalm 23:4 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."
1Corinthians 15:55 "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"

I had come face to face with the shade (shadow) of death, and indeed I ‘feared no evil.’  Satan had been denied his final victory over me… His ultimate weapon was rendered useless!
Isaiah 54:17 "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD."

I looked directly into the face of the shadow of death, who had come to claim me, and told him: “My life belongs to God!”
In response, the shade of death fled from me like a frightened rabbit.
James 4:7 "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

I soon began to recover, and my kidney function began to slowly return to the astonishment of the doctors.  Satan was denied his victory over my life because Jesus had died in my place upon the cross at Calvary…God had given me a ‘wakeup call’ and a WAKEUP CALLING!

Yet the whole thing happened to me because I was too slack to see a doctor when all this began a year or so before.  Like a typical mature aged male, I took the attitude that what I thought was a urinary infection would go away in time…It did not go away. It nearly killed me!  However, I was not yet out of the woods…
There was still the cause of it all… and that cause had to be found…

I knew by my allowing the enemy to invade me was the spiritual cause of my illness, but there still needed to be the physical cause that had been planted by the sewer of the tares.

I was in hospital for about eight days as my right kidney began to work a little…It was planned that I go onto dialysis, but it did not eventuate.  Not only was I in trouble with my kidneys, but the doctors were extremely concerned about my heart rate. It was going crazy!   The doctors concluded that it was because of my kidney failure, the electrolytes in by blood were affecting my heart rate.
I was still unable to walk more than a few steps, or stand for too long when I was discharged from the hospital… I still had a catheter fitted to me with a leg-bag.  Satan was not about to give up either…After my discharge from hospital, I was to return as an out-patient for a biopsy on the prostate and another procedure where they would look into by bladder via a small camera to see if all was okay.  Also, the catheter that had been inserted in me to help my kidneys, may have to be voided or changed.

This was to happen in about three weeks…Six months later, my health and kidney function had improved, but still no word was received to go to the hospital for the procedures.  It was on a Sunday night when I began to feel a lot of pressure in my bladder, and I noticed that the catheter was not functioning.  I went to the hospital about 5:30am on the Monday morning in great distress in not being able to vacate my bladder.  When the doctors (this was a different hospital) learned how long the catheter had been in me without being changed, they were not happy at all and got in touch with the original hospital to find out why this had happened…Their reason was that I must have ‘got lost in the system.’
And who is in the system?

I had developed a nasty urinary infection because the catheter had been left in for too long… and my kidneys were starting to play up again.  The doctors were not happy either with my not having the two procedures being carried out four months prior.  Again, my heart rate was erratic and they put me on an ECG monitor…plus a second CT scan that showed a slight improvement in my right kidney function.

I was discharged from the hospital two days later with new out-patents appointments for the procedures to be done.  In a matter of three weeks, I was called to the first hospital to organize the prostate biopsy… Plus, to have a couple of stints put in my kidneys to allow better drainage.  My ‘Claytons’ heart attack
I remember the theatre and I can remember the anesthetic being administered through a canella in my hand…Then ‘goodnight!’
I woke up looking at a group of doctors and nurses all gathered around me, and I had an oxygen mask on my face…
I noticed that I had been hooked up to a heart monitor that was going berserk..

It was then that I was told that the biopsy went okay, but when they wanted to put the stints in my kidneys, my heart rate went wild…Indicating that I was having a heart attack!  My heart-rate shot up to about 180-200, and they called the paramedics to take me back to the original hospital that I first went to…By this time, my wife had been called to my bedside and I told her with a silly grin on my face that they said that I was having a heart attack.  I had none of the symptoms of a heart attack whatsoever…I had been down this road twice before.  I was having a ‘Claytons’ heart attack…A heart attack when you are not really having one.  It took three days to complete a ‘one-day’ procedure…While I was in the hospital, they put the stints in my kidneys without incident.  It was concluded that it was a reaction to the anesthetic that my heart rate went crazy…Cardiology said that my heart appeared to be undamaged.
Some time later, I received the results of my biopsy…It was positive to prostate cancer.  My battle with cancer in Christ
However, the doctor told me that it is quite treatable, and after a course of hormone therapy, all should be well.

I received the news from the doctor with a smile on my face, and without any fear or anxiety…This seemed to confuse the doctor somewhat.  After all, in Christ, I had ventured through the valley of the shadow of death to come out a winner!  I asked the Lord why, when I got home and he told me to shut-up and stop whining, that he was doing something.  I was in a real mess indeed…My kidneys were in a bad state and my heart-rate seemed to be al over the pace. And now I have to deal with prostate cancer!  During 2012, I spent at least four stays in hospital over urinary infections… and at one time with a dose of acute anaemia was thrown into the pot as well.
The doctor decided to give my an iron infusion to deal with the anaemia and build up my red blood cells.

In July of 2012, I was called to the hospital for my surgery on the prostate…It is known as a ‘T.U.R.P.’ It is basically a shaving of the prostate so that the kidneys may drain more urine into the prostate an ease the pressure from the kidneys and the bladder.
They also removed the stints from my kidneys as they were deemed no-longer necessary..

My cancer doctor me that the cancer was well under control and my PSA level had dramatically come down…He to was waiting for the T.U.R.P to be completed.

A day or so following the T.U.R.P, The urologist came to see me to tell me how things went.  She told me that they found a lot of stuff in my prostate that would have caused the blockage…But NO sign of cancer was found!  God indeed had done a work in me…I no-longer needed the catheter which I had to endure for 12 months…My kidneys we speeding along the road to full recovery, and my heart was perfectly normal!

Since then: my health has improved 100%, and my strength in returning at an amazing rate.

I have already shared the good news of what God has done in His healing work to those who knew that I had cancer…They are all in shock.

I share this testimony with whoever reads this testimony of Jesus Christ in the hope that they too will come to know the saving grace that can only come through the person of Christ Jesus and not through the religion of men.  Indeed, God is still in the miracle business!

The copying of this testimony is permitted only in its entirety.


Thursday, 8 December 2016

Saved from a False Accusation - Testimony

Falsely arrested for murder

On October 4, 1999 my wife was taken from me through a brutal murder for which I was later accused of committing and subsequently jailed for and informed that the State of Maryland was seeking the death penalty against me for extenuating circumstances in their case.

In June 1999 I was told I was called and anointed by God Himself to preach.

It gives me great pleasure to give this testimony in the witness of God through Jesus Christ for whom I owe my life.

As earlier stated this testimony begins on October 4th, 1999 when my wife was brutally raped and murdered while I was nowhere near the rape and murder scene nor aware that any violent acts had occurred.

On October 5th, I was picked up by the Prince George's County Police and questioned for 33 hours straight about the matter and in the end the police charged me with the murder.

During the time of questioning I never admitted the murder and continued to stand firm that I had nothing to do with anything surrounding their case. I loved my wife no matter what anyone said and wanted them to believe me.

The Prince George's County Police twisted my words and added some of their own where they saw fit and concluded that I had given them a full confession that I had in-fact given them what they needed to prosecute me to the fullest extent of the law – THE DEATH PENALTY!

I then spent eight months in the Prince George's County Detention Center on the charge of Murder in the First Degree – a crime I did not commit and had nothing to do with. During my stay in detention I lost everything I owned because the Police would not even let my Pastor, Pastor Randy Gurley of The Tabernacle Church, remove my personal belongings and put them in storage. This request was made shortly before they evicted me from my apartment while I was still in jail and the apartment was still a crime scene.

During this entire ordeal I feel that I was severely mistreated and that the Prince George's County Police showed absolutely no respect for even the dead – my dead wife! I thought what kind of demons are these people who affix their minds on one thing and loose sight of all other possibilities? – why won't they believe me and look for the real culprit? – I only knew that I had to make my stand with Jesus.

I continually prayed that Jesus would lead the police to the real culprit of this heinous crime and that He grant me the strength to endure my loss, my pain, my ill feelings, my resentment, etc
Then finally my walk with the Lord paid off – I was free – they let me out of jail – but why? – the guards never told me anything – they just came and got me and told me to pack my things that I was being released on June 12th, 2000.

On November 17th, 2000, I was informed that the State of Maryland had dropped all charges against me and that they had conclusive DNA evidence against another person and had made another arrest in the case.

This is only a small portion of my testimony. I have more for God's glory on this. All I had was the word of God and through His grace I stood on it. God spoke to me! He revealed Himself to me in His word. He delivered me from the mouth of the lion. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

Keith A. Longtin

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Free from Scars of Abuse and Sin - Testimony

Delivered from the Hurt of Abuse and the Scars of Sin


Before I begin my testimony I feel it is important to give you some information on my childhood, so you will be better able to understand some of the decisions I made in my life, however stupid they may have been. When I was born my mother was only fifteen years old and now years later and after I went through the process of forgiving her and working through a lot of things, I am now able to look at her life through her eyes to try to understand better how she must have felt. This is some advice from some very wise council, I was told by this person that I could maybe forgive easier if I try to see her life through her eyes and not the eyes of a hurt child, you know what it worked I can understand her more clearly now. She was not mature enough to take care of herself much less a baby. So she would send me here and there to whoever would be willing to take me at that particular time, most of the time it was my grandmother, several times throughout my life she would decide that she wanted me back and she would come and uproot me again. I never really knew any stability in my life and I always felt as if no one really loved me or wanted me.

Then at the age of nine she came and got me and took me away from my grandmother which really at this point of my life was the only mother I ever know and I was very attached to her, anyway she took me to Illinois where she lived, by now she had remarried and she had two more children by this man. He hated me and the only reason I could think of was basically because I was not his. Now this was not my fault although I blamed myself for years. He started just physically abusing me but then it changed at the age of nine he raped me and he told me he would kill me if I ever told anyone, I was very young and scared, this went on until I was thirteen and I finally told my mother, she did't believe me, actually nobody believed me. Finally I just let it drop and I buried all those feelings of anger and hate for years, that has now been dealt with and forgiven and it is under the precious blood of Jesus, Praise God. I told my mother that I wanted to go back to Memphis to live with my grandmother and she said alright because I was causing her to much trouble anyway.

Now my grandmother was now remarried and I resented him taking my grandmother's time and I was awful to him. My grandmother finally with to the courts and told them I was out of hand and she just could not handle me any longer, so they removed me and placed me in a foster home, the home I went to was wonderful but at the time I could not see that, all I could see was that I wanted my grandmother no matter the cost so I ran away. They called my bluff and as a ward of the State of Tennessee I was placed in a Catholic all girls reform school for three and a half years. Now I look back and I can honestly say it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. But at that time all I could see was that I was totally alone, unloved and unwanted in this great big world.

Now I will jump ahead some. In 1987 I lost my own three children to their father and I totally lost it. I turned heavily to alcohol and eventually that turned into crack and cocaine. By this time I had lost everything including my dignity as I had turned to prostitution to support my drug habit. I was arrested several different times on various charges but I was never convicted and I never served any time and I know God was taking care of me even back then in my sin, He saw what I would be one day in Him. I Give GOD all the PRAISE, HONOR AND GLORY for that.

My roaming and my drugs had taken me to many places but on December 20,1990 my life changed and so did I from the inside out, praise God, on this day I found myself at the 76 Truckstop in Little Rock, Arkansas, I was hitchhiking trying to get home to Memphis, Tennessee where I did most of my growing up and where my grandparents live. I was walking into the truckstop when I had an inspiration to turn and walk straight to the fuel islands, there were many drivers there getting fuel but I was led to one particular driver, his name was John, I walked over and asked him if he was going east, he said yes so I asked him if he could give me a drive to Memphis, it was only 124 miles and he agreed to help me out. Now I had not eaten in a couple of days and he asked if I was hungry and he took me in to the restaurant and bought me something to eat. The entire time we spent together eating and driving he just began to share Jesus Christ with me. He told me Christ could and would set me free if I was willing, He would give me a new life without all the pain and turmoil I was living in. Of course being a christian does not eliminate us from pain, trials and tribulation but with Christ in our hearts He will give us the strength to withstand even in the worst times. I began to tell John about my life and he still said Christ was the answer for it all. So 124 miles later even before we reached Memphis I had made a decision and given my heart to Christ and decided to live for Him.

I also had made another decision, I told John I was going to marry him, we were both single but he laughed and said the only way you will ever marry me is if God allows it, well about four months later on April 25,1991 we joined our lives together in matrimony in Las Vegas, Nv. The day we met John continued to tell me all about God and he shared with me that God had called him to drive a truck and to minister on the road to the lost, truck-drivers, drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, homeless people, anyone who was down and out. I continued with him in that ministry until July 2000 when God spoke to us and told us to come down to Lincoln, Alabama where we could help Pastor Shirley James in her ministry and church, we are an outreach to the lost and hurting. John is from Digby, Nova Scotia and we lived up there for almost ten years until we moved here. We have a music ministry as well as word ministry, I will travel anywhere I am asked to give my testimony and we both preach and teach. God has really been good to us and it is to His glory that I am writing this if one soul is reached it is worth everything.

Voice Restored
I had destroyed my voice by smoking and drugs and I told God if He would restore and heal my voice that I would sing for Him the rest of the days of my life and He has done exceedingly and abundantly above all that I could ask or think. He has also gifted both my husband and myself with the gift of writing, we have both written many songs and I continue to sing them for they are God's songs I only held the pen. It does not matter where you are, Christ will come to you and meet you if you are willing to let your life go and let Him be God of and in your life.

When I first got delivered of the drugs the doctors convinced me that I had done massive damage to my nervous system and to my body, I am sharing this because some of you may be going through this and need help. They had me on nerve pills, pain pills and sleeping pills among others, again I was a walking zombie. I just went from illegal drug addictions to prescription drug addictions, but since coming to Alabama I have now been delivered of that too. Praise God!.  It feels so wonderful to be free. This is a process and it may take some time for healing but it is worth every mile.

Healed of a Bowel Condition
I have had so many miracles in my christian life as I am a walking miracle myself but one really stands out to me and I would like to share this with you. About three or four years ago I was diagnosed as having an incurable bowel condition, the doctors were not even sure of what it was exactly but they had come to the conclusion that with ulcers all through my body and many in my bowel system, they said they wanted to do surgery and remove a fifth of my bowel. I said no I am going to get prayer for this and I believe God is going to heal me. They went ahead and scheduled me for another scope a few days after Christmas.

So a few days later on Christmas Eve I called a friend of ours over in another Province and asked him to pray for me, he said alright but he would call me back in a few minutes, he had to get to a phone in private, it being Christmas Eve he had a house full of people. By the time he called back I had got together about ten of the Bibles that were at our house and laid them on the floor in a circle opened and I placed one in the middle of the circle opened and I knelt on that one and I told him to pray.

When he prayed for me, the fire of God hit me and went through me, I had such a peace come over me. I went over to the bed and laid down and went to sleep ( now Adam was put into a deep sleep in Genesis when God removed the rib to create woman) God did the same for me, a deep sleep came over me so God could perform healing surgery, I slept for seventeen hours and John came in to check on me he wanted to make sure I was okay because before this I was bleeding quite badly and he was concerned, he could feel such heat emanating from my body he knew it was God so he left me in the Lord's hands. When I work up I knew without a doubt that I was healed and I just praise God again. I had been on $400 a month medication and I went in the kitchen and put every bit of it in the trash and I have not had any of those problems since that day.

Again I can't say enough it is all for the glory of God that I am here and my life is what it is today, for without Christ we are nothing but through Him we are Joint Heirs with Him. He is our Deliverer, Savior, Helper, and Healer and any problem wee may have is never to great for Him to help us, we just have to take it to Him and get rid of it.I thank God for His Power is still healing, still saving and still delivering, He is good all the time. I have made my mistakes and I have even fell off the wagon a few times but God loves us and if we truly repent and confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If I can help anyone out there you may contact us at the information below and we will do our best to help you in any way we can, if you have questions about loved ones who may be on drugs or have other addictions we will try to answer your questions and if we don't know the answer we will find someone who does. Please always remember we are human and we will make mistakes but just confess to God those mistakes and get them under the blood as soon as possible, God still loves us and He will help us in all of our situations.

Feel free to email us at:

Friday, 2 December 2016

Emmanuel from Rwanda Sees Heaven - True Story

Emmanuel Tuwagiraimana is from Rwanda, central Africa. Before 1994, he had been living as a Christian but he was not  faithful in his walk with God. During the Rwandan genocide of 1994, Emmanuel and his friends were trapped in Kabwai School, Gitarama town, about 45 km from Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. Emmanuel could not walk as he had suffered severe bomb sharpenels that had left him with severe wounds all over the body. They could not move out of the school because it was risky and very dangerous. Due to lack of medical attention, one morning Emmanuel was found dead by his friends. They wrapped his swollen and smelling body in a bed cover and pushed it in a far corner in the room. By now, smelling fluids were oozing out of Emmanuels dead body.

Emmanuel says he did not know how suddenly he went out of his body. He found himself at a big gate. Two men stood at that gate and intoduced themselves. They said: "We are angels. Now you are standing at the gate of the heaven" When Emmanuel looked upon himself, he realised that he was putting on a very beautiful body, unlike the earthly one. The two men took him through sweet smelling garden of flowers. They took him to a man who introduced himself as Christ. Jesus presented himself to Emmanuel in two forms. First he presented himself with a body of scars. He showed Emmanuel the scars made by nails at the cross. After Jesus knew that Emmanuel had no more doubts, He (Jesus) started moving with Emmanuel while he put on a very beautiful body with no scars. Jesus told Emmanuel many things.

Then they came together back to earth. They went to Rwanda and stood in the very room where Emmanuel’s body lay. They stood in the air and morever, no one could see them. Jesus showed Emmanuel his dead body. Emmanuel says it looked terrible. "It looked like a dead cow!" Emmanuel says. They could hear the voices of people in the room. They were saing:"Oh, the saved man had died!"  Jesus told Emmanuel that one day he would go back into that rotten body. 

Jesus took Emmanuel back to heaven and showed him a city of very beautiful houses. Emmanuel says he has never seen such houses. Then he was shown a lake. Jesus told him that his time had not come yet so he could not cross that lake.  Across the lake he could see living persons. When he looked closely, he saw a Moslem man he had known in Rwanda.  Also, he could recognise some Christians he had worked with.  He asked Jesus how these people could be there. Christ told him that these people succeeded to make it to heaven to be with God. Emmanuel asked how a Moslem could be among them. Jesus told him: "As he was dying, that man called upon my name and I saved him from eternal fire". Then Emmanuel
asked about a certain dead sister in the Lord with whom they had been ministering to in Rwanda. Jesus told him that she  could not come to heaven because she died with a lot of unforgiveness and bitterness in her heart.  She had refused to forgive her fellow Christians who did not visit her in a Rwandan hospital. Then Emmanuel asked about a certain dead man with whom they were praying. Jesus told him that man could not go to heaven because he kept on stealing money collected by Christians to help the sick in hospitals.

Emmanuel was taken to hell. Hell is filthy and people are made to work day and night. There is no rest. All beings there are naked.

Then Jesus brought something that looked like a chocolate bar. Jesus told Emmanuel to eat it. He ate it and true, it tated like
chocolate. He ate the whole of it. Jesus told him: "You have eaten the Bible. Now it is in your head, you will be able to memorise it every where you go" [This is true. Emmanuel has all the scriptures in his head].

Seven days after he had died on earth, Jesus told Emmanuel it was time to go back in his body. At first Emmanuel refused
to leave heaven. But Jesus just touched him with the tip of His finger. Emmnuel found himself in a dead rotten body. He says
he struggled with one arm to keep the maggots out of his mouth. His friends in the room could not believe their eyes when
they saw Emmanuels moving body. The straps got loose and Emmanuel sat down. His friends run out of the school shouting
that they had seen a ghost! But Emmanuel also shouted calling them and assuring them he was not a ghost. He was given
food and taken to the hospital.

One of Emmanuel’s arms had rotten to the extent of almost falling off. Doctors in Rwanda decided to amputate it but God told Emmanuel not to accept. In God’s supernatural working ways, God appeared to a white doctor in Australia. He told him to go to Rwanda to do surgery on Emmanuel’s arm so that it is not amputated.

In a strange vision, God gave this doctor a picture of Emmanuel and the address of the Rwandan hospital. This doctor obeyed and saved Emmanuels right arm in Rwanda! [note: from 1994 to 1999 Emanuel had a supporting metallic support structure on his arm fixed by this doctor.  (Now he had removed it].

After healing, Emmanuel started his ministry of testifying what happened to him and his visit to heaven.  His is always on the move in African countries.

His telephone in Kigali Rwanda is 250-517030. Also, he can be contacted through my e-mail address: or Post Office Box 3268 Kampala, Uganda.
Thanks and God bless you.
Makko Musagara

P.O.Box 3268 Kampala, Uganda